Grammar & Function Look at the picture below and share your ideas. You needn’t have run so quickly. Why did the man say it? 1.The other man was running.


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Presentation transcript:

Grammar & Function

Look at the picture below and share your ideas. You needn’t have run so quickly. Why did the man say it? 1.The other man was running too quickly. 2.The other man was running too slowly. 3.The other man was running quickly and it wasn’t necessary.

Look at the sentences below, then find out the differences between them.  You didn’t need to speak slowly.  You needn’t have spoken so slowly. didn’t need to do didn’t need to do 表示那件事不必做而且实际上那件事的确 没做。 表示那件事不必做而且实际上那件事的确 没做。 needn’t have done 表示虽然那件事不必做但实际上却做了。

Do you know them?  can/could have done sth.  can’t/couldn’t have done sth.  must have done sth.  may/might have done sth.  should have done sth.  shouldn’t have done sth.  ought to have done  ought not to have done 可能做了 … 不可能做了 … 一定做了 … 可能做了 … 应该做而没有做 … 本不该做而做了 … 应该做又没有做 … 不应该做却做了 …

  You needn’t have spoken so slowly. 1 1 Who said this – the tourist or the English person? 2 2 Why did she say It? Choose one of these possible reasons. a) a) The other person was speaking too quickly. b) b) The other person was speaking too slowly. c) c) The other person was speaking slowly and it wasn’t necessary. Read the sentence for the listening passage and answer the questions. The tourist

Rewrite these sentences using needn’t have done It wasn’t necessary for you to bring some flowers! Thank you for tidying the room– but it wasn’t necessary There was no need for you to buy the box of chocolates. You needn’t have brought some flowers. You needn’t have tidied the room. You needn’t have brought the box of chocolates.

Rewrite these sentences using needn’t have done Why did you go to school? It’s Sunday! Thank you for bringing the book to show me, but I already have it. You needn’t have gone to school. It’s Sunday. You needn’t have brought the book to show me. I already have it.

Read the sentence and decide which endings are possible.   I didn’t need to buy a gift for my host family______. a) a) because I already had one b) b) so I didn’t get one c) c) so I bought one d) d) so I took it back and got a refund

Complete the sentences using didn’t need to or needn’t have done We brought some food to the party but there was too much, so we _____________________ (bring) any My friend spoke good Mandarin so I (translate) ___________________ the speech for him The office had already opened when we arrived so we ______________ (wait) outside in the street I got to the party at 6 p.m. but there was no one there, so I __________________ (arrive) so early I told the host all about my home town and then he told me he’d been there. I ________________ (tell) him anything! needn’t have brought didn’t need to translate didn’t need to wait needn’t have to arrived needn’t have told

Practice 1.I have lost one of my gloves. I ____ it somewhere. A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped 2. Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I _____ so much fried chicken just now. A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat

3. Mr. White _______ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving 4. It was really very dangerous; You ___ him seriously. A. might have injured B. should have injured A. might have injured B. should have injured C. must injure D. need have injured C. must injure D. need have injured

5. Why didn’t you make me a telephone call yesterday? I _______ about it. yesterday? I _______ about it. A. ought to tell B. ought to have been told A. ought to tell B. ought to have been told C. might have told D. might have been told C. might have told D. might have been told 6. It is not like Jack to be unfriendly, so he ___ you when you called. you when you called. A. mustn’t have seen B. should not have seen A. mustn’t have seen B. should not have seen C. couldn’t have seen D. need not have seen C. couldn’t have seen D. need not have seen

7. --Look, John’s fallen sleep. --Oh, he _______ too late last night. --Oh, he _______ too late last night. A. might sit up B. should have sat up A. might sit up B. should have sat up C. could sit up D. must have sat up C. could sit up D. must have sat up 8. --John walked straight into a wall. --He _____ where he was going. --He _____ where he was going. A. can’t have looked A. can’t have looked B. mustn’t have looked B. mustn’t have looked C. couldn’t have been looking C. couldn’t have been looking D. mightn’t have been looking D. mightn’t have been looking

Talking about obligation or lack of obligation a You must arrive on time at a party. You have to arrive on time at a party. Question: Which of the following is true about the first pair of sentences? a) a) They both indicate an obligation. b) b) They are only suggestions about what to do. c) c) The first one is an obligation, the second one is a suggestion.

b. You mustn’t take yellow flowers for the host. You don’t have to take yellow flowers for the host. 2. Which of the following is true about the second pair of sentences? a) They mean the same thing. b) The first one is an obligation, the second one indicates a lack of obligation. c) The first one indicates that something is against the law.

3. Which of the following is true about the third pair of sentences? C. You don’t have to take a lift. You don’t need to take a gift. a) They mean the same thing. b) The first one is an obligation, the second one isn’t. c) The second one is an obligation, the first one isn’t.

Write three rules for a social event in my country. (The answers are open.) If you go to a social event in my country, 1 you have to _______________________. 2 2 you don’t have to __________________. 3 3 you mustn’t _______________________.

Look at the two sentences and decide which explanation is correct. 1 We all know each other. We don’t need to worry about small talk. This means _____. a) a) it isn’t necessary to worry about it b) b) unfortunately we worry about it 2 The party is informal. You needn’t wear a tie. This means ________. a) a) we must not wear a tie b) b) we can wear a tie if we choose a b

Complete the sentences with verbs to express obligation Stop! You ____________________ give yellow flowers to the host! It’s unlucky! Don’t worry. You ________________ eat anything you don’t like I’m sorry, you can’t leave. You __________ wait until the prizes have been given _____ I _____________ take some food to the party? You ___________________________take a gift to the host, but she will be very pleased if you do. mustn’t / can’t / shouldn’t don’t have to / needn’t must / have to Do have to / need to don’t have to / don’t need to