Journal Entries English I 2016-2017. JE # 5 (10 Line minimum) Discuss Briefly in your Small Group and then write! Read the statements on the right and.


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Presentation transcript:

Journal Entries English I

JE # 5 (10 Line minimum) Discuss Briefly in your Small Group and then write! Read the statements on the right and select one you AGREE with and one you DISAGREE with Explain your reasons for agreeing/disagreeing and support your opinion with examples. People will respect and accept you if have a lot of money. A person‘s personality changes when they become rich. You can tell the character of a person by his/her clothes. Money can’t buy happiness. Family is the most important thing in life. Sometimes winning a lottery is a bad thing. When you have what you need to survive, you are happy. Doctors should help sick people even if they cannot pay. It is not good to want a thing too much.

JE # 4 (10 Line minimum) Examine the English idioms (metaphors) below. Select one or more and explain exactly what you think it means and provide an example of when you might use the phrase. If you can think of other idioms or proverbs that are not listed, please feel free to use them as well. A hot potato A penny for your thoughts Actions speak louder than words Add insult to injury Costs and arm and a leg At the drop of a hat Back to the drawing board Ball is in your court Barking up the wrong tree Curiosity killed the cat Beat around the bush Best of both worlds Best thing since slices bread Bite off more than you can chew Blessing in disguise Burn the midnight oil Can’t judge a book by its cover Cross that bridge when you come to it Cry over spilt milk Cut corners

JE # 3 (10 Line minimum) Discuss Briefly in your Small Group and then write! View the short commercial Take Action. What occurs in the clip? What is ironic about the responses of the people to their apparent problem? Why do you think the director titled the commercial Take Action? What was his purpose for producing the commercial, and what message does it send that we can apply to our own lives? What does the commercial recommend that you do, if you find yourself in a situation where you seem to need help?Take Action

JE # 2 (10 Line minimum) Discuss Briefly in your Small Group and then write! Which is the stronger emotion – love or jealousy? Write a journal entry describing a situation in which a person might act out of love and one in which a person might act out of jealousy.

JE # 1 (10 Line minimum) Discuss Briefly in your Small Group and then write! Read the following 3 quotes about jealously, and select the quote that best reflects your beliefs and experiences about jealousy. Write about what you think the quote means and then give an example that fits with the quote you picked. “Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes they’re better than you, and sometimes they’re not.” ~ Mary Schmich “Jealousy is just a lack of self-confidence.” “Jealousy comes from counting other’s blessings instead of our own.”

Alternative Journal Entry # 1 Select one or more inanimate objects to compare yourself to using metaphors. For example, I am a pencil because I am sharp, and sometimes people erase me from their lives.

Alternative Journal Entry # 2 Examine the story starters provided below. Pick one of the story starters, copy onto the top line on a clean page in your journal and then add details and ideas to try to complete the story. The horrified butterfly breeder boiled a potato in the pencil museum in April for the doctor. The timid hat tester flew a helicopter near a neat closet at sunset to create a diversion. The exhausted bowler crawled into the kitchen when the grandmother arrived to avoid the argument.

Alternative Journal Entry # 3 Use the following sentence starter to begin a 1 page journal entry being as descriptive as possible! If I was a crayon, I would…..

Alternative Journal Entry # 4 Talk about a time that you did something you had never done before for the first time. What compelled you to try this new experience? How did you feel before, during, and after? Would you try this experience again – why or why not? What did you learn about yourself from trying something new?

Alternative Journal Entry # 5 According to a Czechoslovakian proverb, “Better a lie that soothes than a truth that hurts.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Alternative Journal Entry # 6 Read the quote below and explain what you think it means and how might apply to your own experience. “ When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom, or criticize you, remember, they’re telling you their story, not yours.” ~ Cynthia Occelli