King George V Playing Field (Hughenden Valley) Proposal for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
Problem statement Our solution Opportunity & impact Operating model The team Progress made The request Q&A
King George V It’s time we honoured his wishes. ”in the service rendered to youth through providing for them an environment and opportunity for open air exercise, for the benefit of individual well-being and the general welfare of the nation”.
Problem statement Lack of sports facilities: Local residents tell us: Not enough sports facilities, especially for girls Made worse with the recent loss of facilities at Magnolia & Uplands Increased car journeys to other towns to play sport Resounding call for extra facilities for young & old via Parish & Village surveys A direct contributor to some shocking facts: Last year in Bucks: 19.1% of 4-5 year olds are overweight or obese 40% of year olds are inactive – for adults this increases to 62.4% Of the 1,516 heart attacks last year, 239 could have been prevented if adults were active Costs £35m per annum
Our solution Sited at the far south end of the playing field on the existing floodlit training area Sand based, green AstroTurf surface 37m x 34m (two tennis courts) 3m high green fencing 8m high green, retractable floodlights Clean access via a new pathway Costing c£150,000 An all weather, floodlit MUGA to replace the existing “sodden muddy patch” that is currently a football training area. Providing an all year facility, for all sports, for all residents.
The site
Pitch marked to show size
Floodlights ExistingProposed
Specification The Hughenden Valley MUGA will not contain any blue and will be a muted green colour.
Clean access pathway & parking Path proposed at 2m wide with low level lighting. 54 parking spaces -WDC suggested peak requirement of 45 cars. -Overflow with 48 spaces at GP surgery.
Opportunity & impact Due to lack of facilities, the football club are forced to play at six different locations outside of the village Additional sports - tennis, hockey, bowls, netball, basketball, cricket Additional participants – young, old, less able bodied, boys and girls Open for the local schools during the day Seven-fold increase in users – 60 to 440 Our goal is to significantly increase local participation in sport for all residents to improve health, community cohesion and reduce car journeys.
Operating model The playing field is leased to the Football Club on a 20 year lease. The Trustees of the KGV charity will renew and include the new MUGA Market rental charged to all users to cover maintenance and a sinking fund to renew the surface every 10 years Demand is forecast to be strong from existing sports clubs and confirmed new users. Surplus funds used to improve facilities, equipment & contribute to the maintenance of the chalk bank Financial forecasts show sustainability at conservative levels of utilisation. Proper re-establishment of the King George V (Hughenden Valley) charity to oversee & improve the playing fields & chalk bank.
The team Neil Bellamy, Football Club Darren Blundy, Football Club Heather Dempsey, Residents Jon Dockett, Hughenden News Rosemary Hewitt, Residents Angus Idle, Residents Janet Idle, Residents Dylan Jones, Village Hall Simon Kearey, Parish Council James Perkins, Project Management Michael Sole, Village Hall Mark Wilkins, B&B FA Jason Wood, Planning All long-term local residents with the skills & passion to deliver. Qualified senior professionals in accountancy, planning & surveying, banking, ecology, education, IT, engineering, construction, management & sales.
Progress made Research & consultation Parish survey of 9,000 residents, Valley sports survey of 687 households & finally 25 adjoining residents WDC sports development, Marlow Sports Centre & Thames Valley Police (Crime Prevention Design Adviser) Support from covenant holders John Hopkins estates & consent from Fields in Trust (formerly KGV Playing fields) Parish council & Football Club support with a donations of £5,720 & £20,000 respectively. Planning permission WDC support our pre-planning application : “… no objection in principle to the proposed MUGA” Need to minimalise environmental impact whenever possible & consider alternative site to the north Ecological, environmental topographical & noise surveys complete. Consulting with the Highways Authority.
As the Village Hall Committee we seek your support for the development of a MUGA, subject to approval by the Trustees of the Village Hall. We request a donation of £20,000 towards to cost of the development. 2) Funding 1) Permission The request
Any questions?