Personnel Management Personnel management is that part of management function which is primarily concerned with the human relation within an organization. It deals with the effective control and use of manpower. It is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization of and accommodation to human resources by organizations. The human resources of an organization consists of all individuals regardless of their role, who are engaged in any of the organizational activities. Personnel management is that field of management which is concerned with the management functions (such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling), and various operating functions (such as procurement, development, maintenance and utilization), with a view to attain the organizational goals economically and effectively and meeting the individual and social goals.
Personnel management is concern with managing people at work. It covers all level of personnel, including blue-collared employees (craftsman, foreman, operatives and labourers) and white collared employees (professional, technical managers, officials, clerical workers, and sales workers). Personnel management is concerned with helping the employees to develop their potentialities and capacities to the maximum possible extent, so that they may derive great satisfaction from job. Objectives of Personnel Management 1.To achieve an effective utilization of human resources 2.To establish and maintain desirable working relationship among all members 3.To generate skilled manpower by offering training and job education
4. To recognize and satisfy individual needs and group goals by offering an adequate remuneration, compensation and protection against hazards of life 5. To secure the integration of the individuals and groups in such a manner that the employees feel a sense of involvement, commitment and loyalty towards it. 6. To maintain a high morale and better human so that employee may stick to their jobs for a longer period.
Functional Area of Personal Management Functional areas of personnel management may be the following types 1.Organizational planning and development 2.Staffing and employment 3.Training and development 4.Comparison, wage and salary administration 5.Motivation and incentives 6.Employee services and benefits 7.Employee records 8.Labour or industrial relations 9.Personnel research and personnel audits
Organizational Structure of the Personnel Department President Vice-President Marketing Vice-President Production Vice-President Personnel Vice-President Finance Employee Section Labour Relations Training and Development Health, Safety and Benefit Wage and Salary
Recruitment and Selection Process Recruitment:-Recruitment is the process of exploring the source of supply of the required personnel and stimulating the prospective employees to apply for jobs in the organization. Its purpose is to create a pool of candidates from which the most suitable persons may be selected for the job Sources of recruitment:- there are two sources of recruitment- 1.Internal sources 2.External sources 1. Internal sources:- include personnel already on the pay roll of an organization
Merit:- 1.It improves the morale of employees because they are assured of the fact that they would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur 2.It promotes loyalty among the employees because it gives them a sense of job security and opportunities for advancement 3.The employer is in better position to evaluate those presently employed than outsiders 4.It is less costly than going outside to recruit 5.They are trained people and can be relied upon Demerits 1.It often leads to inbreeding and discourages new blood to entering an organization 2.A promotion is based upon on seniority, so there is danger that really capable person may not be chosen
3. There are possibilities that the internal sources may dry up and it may be difficult to find the requisite personnel from within an organization 2. External sources:- These sources lie outside the organization. They usually include young mostly inexperienced potential employees, trained unemployed, and trained experienced persons. Merits:- 1.It provides the requisite type of personnel for an organization having skill, training, and education up to the required standard. 2.Since persons are recruited from a large market, the best selection can be made without any distinctions of caste, sex, or color 3.In the long run, this source provides economical because potential employees do not need extra training for their jobs
Demerits:-The system suffers from brain drain especially when experienced persons are hunted by sister concerns Methods of Recruitment Following methods are used for recruitment of the employees in the organization:- 1. Direct methods 2. Indirect methods 3. Third party methods 1. Direct methods:- In this method, the recruiters are send to the technical institutions. Most institutional recruiting is done with the help of placement office of that institute.
2. Indirect methods:- In this method, an advertisement is generally given in leading daily newspapers, popular magazines, trade and professional journals. The detailed description of the post is given and the interested candidates are required to submit their applications along with complete bio-data on a prescribed proforma before the last date. The application form shd provide the following information:- a. Biographical data: it includes, name, father’s name, date and place of birth, age,sex, nationality, height, weight, identification marks (if any), physical disability (if any), marital status, and the number of dependents
b. Educational attainment: It includes-education (subject offered and grades secured), training acquired in special fields and knowledge gained from professional/technical institutions or evening classes or through correspondence courses. c. Work experience: It includes- previous experience, the number of jobs held with the same or other employers, including nature of duties and responsibilities and the duration of various assignments, salary received, and reasons for leaving the present employer d. Salary: Demanded and other benefits expected e. Personal items: it includes- association memberships, extra- curriculum activities, sports, hobbies, and other pertinent information that support a candidate more suitable for post.
f. Other items : Name and address of previous employer, references etc 3. Third party methods: It includes the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies, placement office of institutions, recruiting firms, management consulting firm, friends and relatives.