AGENDA Welcome Goal Setting Activity Program Updates Spring Calendar Budgeting Season Supplemental form deadlines Marketing/Event Updates Fundraising Goal Setting Reminders
WELCOME Take a few minutes and list 3-5 goals for your club this semester They can be: Competitive Administrative Team Building Etc. Introduce yourself and discuss with a couple of neighbors Lets hear a few!
SPRING CALENDAR l l Next CSC – Step Up Workshop, 2/10 Emerging Leaders – nominations next CSC meeting CPR/First Aid Classes Year end Celebration – 4/26
BUDGETING SEASON Timeline for Budgeting Season All documents are already up on the SGA website: Required Budgeting Workshops: 1/27 or 1/28, 7-9 pm, Waterman Memorial Lounge Treasurer Required, Roger if you have issues Come to this meeting prepared Budgets Due, 2/5, 3pm All materials Don’t forget anything, fill out an inventory ledger even if you have no inventory Contractual Agreement requires adviser signature – start working on this NOW! You are strongly encouraged to involved potential future leaders in this process
NEW SUPPLEMENTAL DEADLINES Now due Fridays Hearings Mondays Ex. If your gas supplemental is for the weekend of the 29 th you will need to get your request in by noon on the 22 nd.
MARKETING/EVENT UPDATES Welcome to Dan, Erika, and Julia; Welcome back Steven, Akriti, and Kyley Goals for this semester: Increased Social Media Presence More digital and video content Live streaming of events through Periscope Flatscreen and Display Case presence in the Davis Center Possible Events: We are mulling over a number of possible events including: Trivia night; Kickball; Talent Show; Capture the Flag; Spartan style obstacle course race We will be hosting: A service event, a wellness event, tabling opportunities, year end celebration SGA Partnership President’s s to student body; display cases in DC, Public Relations Committee efforts What we need from clubs: Tell us what events you’d most like to see Send us your events, event updates, and help us with content Make sure to provide us with a current press representative to communicate with – key element Show up, have fun
VARSITY BASKETBALL NIGHT Attend a Varsity Basketball Game with your team We will be acknowledging and honoring teams who had a great fall semester in front of the community Fun halftime game for a rep of each club to compete in Date: February 17 th vs. Binghamton Teams will need to RSVP – details to come
FUNDRAISING Fundraising is an important part of running your organization and a requirement for SGA Take a few minutes and complete the fundraising worksheet Amongst your table please discuss: Your findings from the worksheet What your current methods have been for generating revenue If you have any new ideas for this semester
FUNDRAISING CONTINUED Based on your worksheet and discussions please make three fundraising goals for your organization: Think about numerical goals Think about realistic fundraising events to do this semester Think about how to involve the whole club in these initiatives Club Sports Fundraising Initiatives: Fall/Winter Raffle Spring Letter Campaign (coming soon) In partnership with the SGA and UVM Foundation Giving Page: End of Year Garage Sale??? Ideas in manual: – pg. 33http://
REMINDERS PE Credit Overrides (due by 1/25) – form is on The Lynx on the Club Sports Page Game/Event Schedules – please get to Leon ASAP Agreement forms – remind returners, procure from new members, those coming back from abroad, etc. Step-up/CSC – February 10 th BUDGETS Logo Updates Final template approved Individual team designs are being worked and will be sent out for feedback when completed Our hope is to become more uniform