Search Committee Guide
Code of Conduct SOU recognizes that searching for new hires is an opportunity to meet our institutional needs by attracting employees that will contribute to an excellent and diverse workforce. To enhance our opportunities to attract outstanding employees to work in our community we expect members of the search to uphold the following principles: Honesty Respect for all persons/different points of view Confidentiality Consistency Open Communication Recognizing and addressing bias Putting the best interest of the institution first Recuse yourself if you can’t be objective
Diversity Southern Oregon University is a welcoming community committed to inclusive excellence and the celebration of diversity. Without diversity, our educational process is diminished. Working together in support of our commitment to diversity, we strengthen and enrich our role as learners, educators and members of a tightly connected global community. We encourage those who share in our commitment to diversity, to join our community and we expect all our employees to demonstrate an ability and desire to create an inclusive campus community. A candidates commitment to diversity should be considered as part of the evaluation process Diverse candidates enrich our community and should be factored into the decision process
Discrimination and Affirmative Action Applicants and employees are protected from: ● Unfair treatment based on protected status ● Denial for reasonable accommodation for religious beliefs and disability Affirmative Action Analyze participation rates for members of underrepresented groups Compare qualified population in recruitment area Engage in good faith efforts Develop action-oriented programs Monitor progress SOU is an AA/EEO employer
Affirmative Action in Diversity Hiring Must make non-discriminatory selection decisions –No quotas or preferences except Veteran’s provision (If a Veteran’s self-identifies in the application and meets the minimums you must provide the first level of interview) ● While race/gender/identity conscious hiring is prohibited, widening your pool through diversity efforts can lead to a richer pool of candidates
Bias and Stereotypes Unconscious Bias and Stereotype are often cognitive shortcuts Bias, prejudice and stereotypes prevail –when people are rushed for time, distracted or tired –When underrepresented people are rare in the organization and pool –When criteria is ambiguous
Bias and Assumptions Types of bias –Cognitive bias- unconscious patterns of thought which have the unintended effect of conferring advantage to some and disadvantage to others –Structural bias- institutional patterns and practices that confer advantage to some and disadvantage to others based on identity –Negativity bias- tendency to pay more attention to negative experiences -Sifter versus Funnel –Status quo bias- tendency to like things to remain the same
Combating and Reducing Bias What works –Being deliberate and intentional (appropriate amount of time) –Human Resources check –Instilling accountability and transparency –Discuss as a group –Consider relevant data –Focus on the individual and not assumptions
Confidentiality The Search Committee’s deliberations and discussions regarding applicants should not be discussed beyond the Search Committee The names of applicants and their resumes are not public documents and cannot be released to the public or the press until the finalists are invited to campus When releasing resumes to the campus, blackout personal information and state the SOU employees should not forward applicant information to non-SOU employees
Consistency in Process: Use the same criteria and questions and process for all applicants (Except when need to clarify information provided). Internal applicants must follow the same process as external candidates. Don’t give special or different privileges. Consistent interview opportunities and schedule. Reference checks questions should be consist except when clarifying something specific to a candidate.
Evaluating Applicants A subset of the committee (minimum of 2) may determine which candidates meet minimum/required qualifications, but all committee members should be allowed to review and provide input on qualified applicants. Applicants should only be eliminated based on objective criteria. The committee must be able to support their recommendations with objective criteria that will be developed by the committee. There should be some correlation between high scoring applicants and those recommended for hire.
Other Tips and Considerations Telephone interviews can be recorded as long as you notify the applicant. Skype interviews are good option especially for national searches. (Contact your Computing Consultant for assistance with Skype) Campus interviews only are acceptable for local searches. For nationwide searches checking references prior to the campus interview stage is recommended. Notify applicants that you will be checking references including unlisted references. Under ADA laws, we need to provide reasonable accommodation for any known disabilities. You can ask candidates “Are there any special considerations of which we should be aware in planning your visit?” (Please contact HR for further questions or information) Avoid asking questions that could elicit personal information or non-job related information.
Logging in If you are an SOU employee: 1. Login to MYSOU 2. Click on the Faculty and Staff 3. Click on the Recruiting link on left hand side of screen Note: If the screen on the right appears and you have an SOU do not login here, instead click the link that says “Click here to login with your SOU Credentials” If you are a student or community member: 1. Type in the url For both your user name and password enter the part of your the proceeds For example you would enter csmith for the user name and password 3. You will then be asked to create a new password
IMPORTANT!! 1. Make sure you are in the Applicant Tracking Portal(blue heading) 2. Select user type “Search Committee Member” 3. If changing user type, hit the refresh button 4. Select the position type from the posting pull down menu
Click on the position title in blue
Click on the applicant tab to bring up the list of applicants (The summary tab provides all the position details including duties and minimum and preferred qualifications.)
Click on the ‘generate’ option and you will be able to download the Resume and Cover letter as one document for each applicant. This screen is also where you can access the online ranking criteria View 1 View 2
You can also select applicants and click on the Actions tab and select Download Applications as PDF from the pull down menu. From there, you can choose which documents you want.
Scoring Criteria Eliminate applicants that don’t meet minimums (Search Chair will remove those applicants before committee does any scoring) Develop and agree on the initial screening criteria (Screening criteria should conform to a format that will be compatible with a ranked score (0-4,1-5). Initial rankings should be based on information that can be determined from the applicant documents Search Chair sends criteria to HR for entry into PeopleAdmin Search Chair notifies committee members that they can begin ranking applicants Committee meets to discuss rankings The committee has the option of submitting and conduct rankings at each phase of the interview process (phone/skype and campus interview) A separate score will be calculated at each phase
On top right hand side of page click on Evaluate Applicant to complete ranking criteria on a candidate. Hint: You can open PeopleAdmin in two different browsers. You can open the criteria in one browser and the resume of the applicant in the other which allows to view the resume while you rate the applicant.
Sample of Ranking Score Details- Committee Chair Access Only The committee chair will share the ratings given by each search committee member and the Average Score Total.
The Final Steps As a committee you will provide a summary of the strengths and concerns of each of the final candidates. Generally, you will not rank order the applicants. You are making a recommendation, however the hiring authority will make the final hiring decision. The Search Chair will provide the summary write up along with any documents used by the committee to make the decision(Interview notes and any rankings outside of PeopleAdmin.). Once the search is complete the search committee documents are subject to a public records request. Please keep this in mind when you are taking notes.
Resources Search Committee Resources: (available on the HR website under the Recruiting tab) ▪Search Committee Guide ▪Search Chair Checklist ▪Guidelines for Hosting a Candidate ▪Interview Guide ▪Campus Interview Evaluation Form ▪Reference Check Guide ▪Telephone Reference Check Form ▪Consent for Background Check Search Chair Resources: (available on the HR website under Training and Development tab) ▪View detailed rankings ▪How to bulk move applicants
Thank you Please contact Human Resources with any questions