Strengthen Naval Power At and From Sea Sea-Air-Space 17 May 2016
“Sea Power to the Hands of Our Sailors” Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited. Strengthen Naval Power At and From The Sea Systems Engineering Cooperative Engagement Modes RDML Jon Hill, USN 17 May 2016
4 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited. Naval Integrated Fire Control Cooperative Engagement Modes (CEM) Sensors Payloads CG = Critical Real-Time Functions P-3 E-2D DDG SM-6 SM-6 Blk II Platforms Sensor X Platform Z Weapon Y Systems Engineering CEMs Determine the CONCEPT OF EMPLOYMENT Develop the ARCHITECTURE Allocate DETECT, CONTROL, ENGAGE Functions Identify all SYSTEM ERROR and account for imperfections in design NIFC-CA From The Sea Surface Strike
5 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited. Engagement Priority & Calculations Soft & Hard Kill Weapon Assignment Initialization & Launch Control Combat Control Real Time Functions Sensor Tasking & Modes Track Management & Threat Evaluation Threat Classification & Discrimination Command Guidance Kill Assessment Re-engagement P kill = P hit * P detect * R sys * R wpn CommandAndDecision Sense The Battlespace Initiate Fire Control Engage The Threat Mission Setup, Control &Training Enabling Cooperative Engagement Modes Extensible to the Force Level Enabling Cooperative Engagement Modes Extensible to the Force Level
6 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited. Distributed Maritime Operations Hypothesis, Prediction, Measurement Hypothesis: Expand the Fleet Tactical Grid and Build Fleet Integrated Training – Leverage NIFC-CA Architectures, Expand Networks for Increased Sensor & Fire Control Data – Build Fleet Integrated Training In Stride Prediction: Increased Sensor Contributions and Spectral Maneuver, Distributed Engagement Options and Expanded Battlespace Measure: CEMs, Capabilities Against Current and Emerging Threats … Capacity
7 Statement A: Approved for Release. Distribution is unlimited.
Warfighting Focal Points Innovate, Experiment, Demonstrate Accelerate Innovation Loop Be Willing to Fail Know and manage the risk – improve rate of return System of Systems Approach Integration and Interoperability (I & I) is key to a whole Kill Chain mindset Independent Interconnected Federated Integrated Interdependent Live – Virtual – Constructive (LVC) Training Open Architecture essential to control costs; ability to adapt, grow, match legacy to future Cross Domain.... enablers Kill Webs?
Three 5 th Generation Questions What Does Air Dominance Look Like in the Future? Relevant power of the Sea Base Transition from linear warfighting to high tempo warfare How is the 5 th Generation Fight Different? Networks not just Platforms; Reach not just Range; Information is the Coin of the Realm Training for expanded Battlespace is key to success Live, Virtual, Constructive Can 5 th Gen Accelerate Observe – Orient phases in OODA Loop? Integrated Air and Seapower brings networked, interlocking fields of fire Man-Machine teaming and network enables greater speed of decision required to act How do we turn a KILL CHAIN into a KILL WEB?
Sea-Air-Space Cyber/EW JD McCreary Chief, Disruptive Technology Programs Georgia Tech Research Institute
Future Environment, Future Force Integrated cyber/EW – VCJCS Selva re: Russia/China Technology convergence – Spectrum domain – R&D lead/follow Disruptive innovation – Military risk/reward of “early adopter”
See, Talk, Shoot, Survive Distributed force, EMS as maneuver space – Cognitive, netted, distributed EW – Tactical, operational cyber (JTF and below) 24 th AF CC, Maj Gen Wilson: EC-130 Compass Call can “touch a network that in most cases might be closed.” Man-machine teaming – Distributed: Tactical cloud, edge computing – Big data analytics, visualization, COA generation, R2D2 – Google RankBrain (deep learning, intuition), Nvidia GPUs – Human expertise, workload LVC - Enders Game, Snow Crash (VR/AR/MR) – Oculus Rift, HoloLens, Magic Leap ($1.4B), Google Cardboard ($17), – Oblong (Minority Report) – Internet of experience (extend Cebrowski’s RMA)
Art of War, Speed and Reach Unmanned value – Well suited for ISR, EW, Cyber – Proximity, stealth, survivability, persistence – Speed/scope/scale of M2M warfare (AI) – Dynamic decentralized execution Accelerate OODA loop, – Disseminate Fleet knowledge Wingmen or platform extensions – New CONEMPs needed to fully leverage CDR’s intent, trust, complexity