Loie Rainey Ferris State University
Experienced by mainly women (average incident occurs every nine seconds in U.S.) Cost associated with DV include: 1.Care/Cost for direct medical and health care 2.Wage loss (present and possibly future) 3.Residual health and mental issues 4.Potential re-victimization related to poor self esteem, anger, drug or alcohol abuse There is no social class associated with DV Men who witness parents DV are twice as likely to abuse their own wives. Domestic violence. (2013). Retrieved from Domestic violence statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Personal experience/ Survivor Education and empowerment can assist victims in leading productive lives without having post trauma events
Awareness and verbalization from the attendees of the following: 1. Definition of DV 2. Factors that may contribute to DV 3. Value and availability of resources and support groups within their community 4. Ten empowerment skills to support the victim in developing a strong self esteem Data and statistics (wisquars): cost of injury report. (2013). Retrieved from Domestic violence. (2013). Retrieved from Domestic violence statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Transtheoretical Model of Behavior
The Habits Lab at UMBC. (n.d.).
Who What Where When Why How
Safety for DV is accessible to victims and their children Empowerment classes are accessible Focus of each class is lead by APN to explore elements of empowerment to promote self- esteem Information provided is individualized
Culture Socioeconomic status Genetics/genomics Ethical principles applicable to this population
Exercise Enlist the help of others Employ the tools you have learned Extinguish negative behaviors and people Excited, about life Expect disappointment Educate yourself Endure challenges Explore you Emphasize your strengths
Evalution of Empowerment Presentation Please circle the appropriate response regarding Loie Rainey's evaluation Loie provided me with a definition of Domestic Violence Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Loie communicated factors that contribute to Domestic Violence Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Loie provided information to me about resources and support systems available Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Loie provided ten elements of empowerment Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Loie provided me an opportunity to discuss the ten elements of empowerment Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Loie provided me information that supported that empowerment decreases domestic abuse Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree The information Loie provided was easy for me to understand Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree I will most likely use these elements, along with other resources to assist me and prevent myself from being re-victimized in domestic abuse Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree This information gave me tools to improve/develop my self esteem Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Comments/Suggestions:
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards for nursing, (2nd ed.). In Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Association Data and statistics (wisquars): cost of injury report. (2013). Retrieved from Domestic violence. (2013). Retrieved from Domestic violence statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gottschalk, M., & Ellis, L. (n.d.). Evolutionary andgenetic explanationsof violent crime. Causes of Crime, Retrieved from Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. (2012). Understanding the nature and dynamics of domestic violence., Retrieved from Sullivan, C. M., & Cain, D. (2004). Ethical and safety considerations when obtaining information from or about battered women for research purposes. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19 No.5, The Habits Lab at UMBC. (n.d.). The transtheoretical model of behavior change. Health and Addictive Behaviors. Retrieved from Varkey, P. (2010). Mayo clinic preventive medicine and public health board review. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.