Rock Creek East II Livability Study April 28, 2016
Workshop Info Thursday, April 28 th, 2016 Petworth Neighborhood Library – Large Meeting Room 6pm-8pm Approximately 35 people in attendance From Ward 1 and Ward 4 Community members, residents, local officials, ANC Commissioners, Councilmember office staff
Information Presented Presented informational boards about : Goals, Objectives, and Process Study Area and Land Use Previous Plans and Studies Understanding Green Infrastructure Green Infrastructure – Existing Conditions Transportation – Existing Conditions To view these materials click hereclick here
Workshop Activities Livability Is… : Attendees were asked to describe what they believe livability is or should be about. Word Map - Present and Future: Two maps of the study area where residents were encouraged to write in a few words how they currently feel about their block and how they would like to feel in the future. Interactive Map: A mapping station where participants noted on the map where they wanted to see improvements. Priorities Voting: Live survey station where residents were able to vote for their priorities for the study.
Key Takeaways Connectivity: East-west Connectivity Pedestrians and cyclists want more facilities and greater access via sidewalks and bike lanes to and through Rock Creek Park Streetscape: Participants want to see green infrastructure incorporated in public space along sidewalks and roadways. Concern over maintenance of current streets, sidewalks, and alleyway facilities. Safety: Concern about speeding through the area and the need for traffic calming Pedestrian crossings are a key area of concern with needs ranging from accessibility design and visibility to proper markings and signal timing.
Key Takeaways Arkansas Avenue: Arkansas Avenue was noted by both residents and non- residents with challenges relating to traffic speeds and pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, crosswalks, and ramps) Cut-through traffic: Side streets, such as Emerson and Varnum, experience higher traffic volumes than typical residential streets as well as speeding from cut-through traffic
Livability Is… Sustainable: Clean water, Green Infrastructure,, renewable energy (photo-voltaic, solar, hot water), clean air, growing/living things around me Safe Streets: Pedestrians, bikes, drivers, passengers, dramatically demarcated bike lanes, reduce speeding, more speed bumps, and more sidewalk access to Rock Creek Park Clean: Trash collection being more careful not to spill so much trash in alleys as well as litter along roadways and in public spaces
Livability Is… Connected: Transit, pedestrian, bicycle, walkable, sustainable, community-driven, street life, places to run into & talk to neighbors, easy access for walkers, runners, cyclists, from Petworth neighborhoods to Rock Creek Park path network via Piney Branch Diverse: Affordability, families, and children Peaceful: Reduce noise pollution (e.g. siren use & siren volumes) Convenient: Easy access to amenities and services as well as transportation
Word Map - Present
Word Map - Future
Priorities Voting 329 responses to the survey Top 3 Priorities for Transportation Improvements: 1.Keep up with the Day-to-Day : Focus on doing maintenance such as filling potholes, fixing signs, and other types of requests 2.Make It Green: Enhance the public realm through more green space within the public right-of-way with street trees, landscaping, and stormwater management 3.(A tie) Create Safer Streets: Slow down vehicles coming to and through the study area Better Bike Network: Provide more direct, safer, and more connected routes for travel through the study area
Interactive Map Comments (This summary is only for comments received at the public meeting) Speed on major streets Improved transportation access to other neighborhoods from the Rock Creek East II study area More bike facilities throughout the area to improve accessibility Improve pedestrian crossings Over 720 comments were received on our interactive map. These are being analyzed and will be presented as a summary in our next meeting.
Stay Connected Stay informed on study progress and upcoming events at: comments to Ted Van Houten, DDOT Project Manager, at or the project team at Workshop #2 is on Monday, June 13 th at the Truesdell Education Campus – Cafeteria (800 Ingraham Street NW) 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm with a brief presentation at 6:30pm.