Virtual Document eXchange … our voyage begins
Sailing into Uncharted Territory The lay of the land The lay of the land –VDX environment –Preparing for VDX About your transport About your transport –Parts of the system What the ship can do What the ship can do –How patrons make requests Digging for gold Digging for gold –How staff make requests Meeting sea monsters Meeting sea monsters –VDX Tool Kit What to expect when you finally land! What to expect when you finally land! –Benefits of the system
VDX Environment Central Transaction Store at UTL Library 1 Requester (borrower) Library 2 Responder (lender) Library 2 Responder
Preparing VDX for Queen’s Collect data about library and relationships Collect data about library and relationships Load library data Load library data Set Z39.50 search and OPAC records in VDX Set Z39.50 search and OPAC records in VDX Link OPAC records to physical libraries Link OPAC records to physical libraries Create groups for pickup Create groups for pickup Set rota ranking rules Set rota ranking rules Create staff accounts Create staff accounts Test, modify, test Test, modify, test Set links for user access and registration Set links for user access and registration Test again Test again
OCUL VDX RACER Web Site OCUL VDX RACER Web Site – Searching and request forms VDX Web Interface VDX Web Interface – ILL staff view and manage requests VDX Windows Interface VDX Windows Interface – ILL Bureau Administrator makes configuration changes Parts of the System
Patron Requests Patron Registration Patron Registration –One time registration –Patrons with ILL privileges entered in advance –Others can self-register (e.g. visiting faculty) Sign in to make a request Sign in to make a request Request searched live and citation captured Request searched live and citation captured Sent to ILL staff to select location or rota can select via auto-mediation Sent to ILL staff to select location or rota can select via auto-mediation Check status of requests Check status of requests
Patrons Search RACER R apid A ccess to C ollections by E lectronic R equesting R Real time searching, requesting, messaging A Centrally accessed and maintained system C Single Z39.50 interface to OCUL catalogues E Automated processes R Web-initiated ILL requesting
Staff Requests Sign in to VDX Sign in to VDX View requests (borrowing or lending or both) for your location View requests (borrowing or lending or both) for your location Lending requests come with call numbers Lending requests come with call numbers Generate pick lists Generate pick lists Supply: request goes to pick-up location Supply: request goes to pick-up location Non-supply: reply to patron or patron’s home library Non-supply: reply to patron or patron’s home library
Digging for Gold: the Staff Search Screen
Generate Pick Lists
Functionality No more patron or staff typing No more patron or staff typing Integrated searching Integrated searching User alerting User alerting Auto-authorisation Auto-authorisation Statistical reporting Statistical reporting Standard reports Standard reports Auto rota generation Auto rota generation
Meeting Sea Monsters
Tools Hands-on training Hands-on training Primers Primers Staff support website Staff support website Manual Manual Step-by-step instructions Step-by-step instructions Q & As Q & As
Benefits for Staff Minimize re-keying of data – requests “parse in” Minimize re-keying of data – requests “parse in” Capability to track patron requests Capability to track patron requests Common understanding of policies, processes, and procedures Common understanding of policies, processes, and procedures Union Catalogue Union Catalogue Benefits for Patrons Improved service – via the Web Improved service – via the Web –Self-initiated requests Capability to track own requests Capability to track own requests
Group 1 GuelphTrentWaterlooWestern Wilfrid Laurier Windsor Group 3 LaurentianOttawa Group 4 CarletonLakeheadLaurentianNipissingQueens Toronto ILL York Group 2 BrockMcMasterRyerson Spring 2003: Group 4 set-up, training, testing – Reserve April Group 1 and 2 production Summer 2003: Group 3 set-up, training, testing Group 3 and 4 production Group 1A Toronto DD