Detector Goals and General Syst. System Parallel Joint Parallel DGWG Mechanical Integ. TDR Organization System Summaries WORKSHOP Structure-Detector + Sat. Morning at 8:00: Proto-Technical Board
Organization-Present System Conveners and Detector (Proto) Technical Board for TDR Phase Detector Coordinators – B.Ratcliff, F. Forti Technical Coordinator – W.Wisnieswki Chief Engineers- SVT – G. Rizzo DCH – G. Finocchiaro PID – N.Arnaud, J.Va’vra EMC – D.Hitlin C.Cecchi, F.Porter IFR – R.Calabrese Magnet – W.Wisniewski Electronics, Trigger, DAQ – D. Breton, U. Marconi Online/DAQ – Offline SW – –Simulation coordinator – D.Brown –Fast simulation – M. Rama –Full Simulation – F. Bianchi Rad monitor – Lumi monitor – Background simulation – M.Boscolo, E.Paoloni Machine Detector Interface – TBN + Sullivan for Accelerator Structure being further developed both at convener level and at least one level down within systems. Hopefully will add co- conveners and chief engineers as project proceeds
Detector (Proto) Technical Board Meeting on a regular basis since Feb (Via EVO since March 2009) Working to develop (for TDR Phase): Planning Structure High level WBS for all systems Estimated Costs R&D Plans Milestones for Technology Decisions System Organizational Structure Overall System Manpower (Systems Manpower Needs with Missing Manpower estimates
Tools Many collaborative tools needed: –Web, mailing lists, wiki, document repository, meeting manager, code repository. Development continues.. (Learn more this week). –Some are OK, some not so OK? –Need to continue development of tools and our expertise is using them. Manpower? Phone / video conferences: A Necessary “evil” –Moved to EVO Based System following Orsay. –Inexpensive and flexible –Mixed experience (especially with audio). Is it adequate? –Need to continue to learn Project management tools –For now MS Excel/project are probably adequate –WBS. Milestones. –Will need industrial strength tools eventually –Reporting and reviewing structure to be developed.
Towards TDR Documents The Fall 2009 White Paper (Technical Proposal) –For Italian Government. –Assumed to be needed before the end of –Scope, and timing needs to be specified very soon. Hopefully at this meeting. The TDR –By the end of –Full technical detail required –Should be fully specified (Technical, Budget, & Schedule) –Will be subjected to complete scientific and technical review
Towards TDR-Sessions at this Workshop The TDR Planning Session On Friday –Asking each of the system conveners to prepare 2-3 slides discussing the major issues to be resolved and status of the R&D necessary to resolve them. The Techboard meeting on Saturday –Asking that each system specify planning milestones for producing the TDR. Should incorporate geometry, technical issues, R&D results, with sufficient time at the end for chapter writing, editing & incorporation into a larger document.
Workshop goals Report system R&D status, plans and goals. Develop a better understanding of accelerator developments and impacts on the detector Develop planning milestones for remainder of TDR phase for –overall detector geometry, –general systems architecture, –specific systems including geometry technology and R&D. Understand cross system interactions better. Clarify issues and how and on what time scale they can be resolved. Understand and specify the documents needed for the TDR phase and when they are needed. –Develop milestones for TDR chapter planning Continue to develop specific plans, costs, and manpower needs for all systems and specify in WBS planning structure. Consider how to find/involve more institutions and people in your areas.