ENGM 113 is Taking A Short EXAM
Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess
Dream Poetry Allusions Interlaced Narratives Anniversary of Death of Blanche, Wife of John of Gaunt
Tale of Ceyx and Alcyone
Themes & Ideas Sleep & Dreams Lost Love Friendship Storytelling
Other Bedroom Reading Romance of the Rose Story of Aeneas (Aeneid)
Other Bedroom Reading Romance of the Rose Story of Troy
Romance of the Rose
Story of Troy Virgil’s Aenead Aeneas and Dido
AugustusCaesar John of Gaunt Octavian Black
Four Ends to the Story Blanche’s Death End of Story & Departure Signature Reminder of Ceyx and Alcyone Writing
Signature Saint John Rich Hill Long Castle (Lang castre)
The Tale of Ceyx and Alcyone The Real Ending To The Story Depair and Discovery Alcyone = Halcyon
Chaucer, Blanche, & The Purpose of the Story
The Tale of Griselda Giovanni Boccaccio Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) Geoffrey Chaucer
Griselda Meets Walter
Griselda Marries Walter
Marriage Contract
Marriage Vows
Griselda’s Trials & Tribulations
Petrarch’s Ending Biblical Context Allegory
Story told on one level that is interpreted on another level(s).
Chaucer’s Ending Practical & Combative Proto-Feminist?
Essay #1 Get Started Soon Major v. Minor Works Introduce Well Stick to the Topic Illustrate / Describe Draw Conclusions
What If I Need Help? Coach Stephanie Packet 2-6, UMM Writing Center
Tape Delayed? Take extra time, if you need it. How much? TD = ED Max
The Renaissance ? ? ?
Beginnings of the Southern Renaissance
Early Traces of the Renaissance in Italy Pico della Mirandola Cimabue - Madonna and Child Giotto - Madonna and Child Pietà Masaccio - Expulsion from the Garden Sandro Botticelli
Pico della Mirandola
Pico della Mirandola On the Dignity of Man God and Adam Humans - Center Free Will Confidence
Giotto (Giotto di Bondone)
Giotto Madonna and Child 1310
Cimabue (Cenni di Peppi) ) Madonna and Child ( )
Physicality This World Emphasized Humanity
Pietà (Lamentation)
Sorrow Compassion Individuality
Masaccio Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden Atmospheric Perspective
Masaccio The Tribute Money
Sandro Botticelli
The Birth of Venus
The Annunciation S-Shape
The Adoration of the Magi
Giuliano ??? Giovanni Piero Cosimo Lorenzo
Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera
Botticelli’s Primavera Cupid Mercury Venus Zephyr The Three GracesFlora/Chloris GivingCastitas (Chastity) ReceivingPulchritudo (Beauty) ReturningVoluptas (Passion)
The Three Graces
Mercury’s Cadeuceus