Packaging Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
Task1 – Product Design Lesson 1 Using the acronym I PICT PD Protection Informing Containing Transporting Preservation Display Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display Write out notes to explain what this mean when used in and on packaging
Task 2 Now investigate the packaging write up the most important pieces of information the manufacturer must write on the packaging 1.Company logo 2.Name of the product 3.Information about the product 4.Information about different models in the range 5.European standards logo 6.Barcode 7.Website address 8.Items including in the box 9.Recycle logo 10. Where packed 11.Picture of the product Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
Task 3 There are legal requirements to include certain information on the packaging of some products. This information may relate to safety and appropriate use. Some frequently used labelling symbols are Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
'Lion Mark' is an easily recognisable icon to help consumers identify toys that have been classified as being safe for children to use. CE Mark - this is required to be on all toys. Age Rating - this tell you the age of a child that the manufacturer feels can use the toy safely O-3... Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
Task 4 – to write down key points What are the advantages and disadvantages of using paper, plastic or film packaging? All have pros and cons. Companies decide which to chose by balancing a huge number of often-conflicting needs - consumers' needs and desires, level of protection needed, type of distribution system, speed of filling line, height of warehouse-stacking, health and safety regulations, size of type on label and many others. Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
Task 5 – to write down key points Which packaging materials can be composted, recycled, and incinerated, and what problems do mixed packaging materials pose for composting, recycling and incineration? All packaging materials can be handled safely in modern waste management and treatment systems. All of it can technically be recycled but it would be environmental nonsense to try to do so because collecting, cleaning and transporting materials uses energy and that can have a much greater environmental impact than waste disposal. The amount and type of packaging that we recycle should depend on the availability and locality of reprocessing plants. Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
Task 6 – be aware What are the comparative energy costs involved in manufacturing plastic, glass, and metal containers and packaging? There is very little difference in the environmental performance of different packaging systems – there is often a bigger range between the best and worst performers undertaking the same operations than between one type of packaging system than another, and size of container matters more than the material it was made from. Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display
What are the disposal and pollution problems caused by packaging? Packaging makes a positive contribution to sustainable development. It provides people with the food and goods that they need. It allows effective handling of goods in the food supply chain, thereby reducing the use of resources including energy and it prevents far more waste than it generates. Lesson objective To understand that packaging has six functions: protection, information, containing, transportation, preservation and display