Report Writing Documentation is extremely important and may be legally required for patient care rendered by the MFR. A properly completed written report not only provides all the pertinent facts, It also provides them a logical order.
Pre-Hospital Treatment Report A pre-hospital treatment report is used for all the following reasons: To transfer patient information from one person to another.To transfer patient information from one person to another. To provide legal documentation.To provide legal documentation. To document the care you provided.To document the care you provided. To improve your EMS system.To improve your EMS system.
You should record the following basic data: Age and sexAge and sex Chief complaintChief complaint History of the current illnessHistory of the current illness Medical historyMedical history Medication that the patient is receivingMedication that the patient is receiving AllergiesAllergies State of consciousness and the patient’s general conditionState of consciousness and the patient’s general condition Vital signsVital signs Pertinent physical findingsPertinent physical findings Treatment givenTreatment given
Decontamination of the unit, equipment, and personnel Transport unit (ambulance or others) ♠ Dispose all contaminated supplies in a sealed plastic bag. ♠ Collect all contaminated reusable equipment and seal them in another plastic bag. ♠ clean the floor, walls and ceiling with soap and water. ♠ clean the floor, walls and ceiling with soap and water. ♠ Disinfect all surfaces with a solution of water and 10% bleach. ♠ Air out the ambulance.
Decontamination of the stretcher Remove the contaminated sheet. Clean and disinfect the stretcher mattress. Place a clean sheet on the mattress.
Decontamination of Instruments Scrub contaminated instruments to eliminate any dried-on material. Then wash them with soap and water. Soap instruments in a 10% bleach and water solution for 10 minutes then dry them off. Replace instruments and any medication on the unit.
Personal Decontamination Make sure to decontaminate the following 3 items after every incident : Hands: Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water. Pay close attention to the fingernails.Hands: Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water. Pay close attention to the fingernails. Clothes: Change any contaminated clothing and immediately wash separately from other linens. Keep a spare change of clothes available.Clothes: Change any contaminated clothing and immediately wash separately from other linens. Keep a spare change of clothes available. Shoes: Wipe shoes clean. Wash off all bodily fluids with a 10% bleach solution.Shoes: Wipe shoes clean. Wash off all bodily fluids with a 10% bleach solution.