Kyle Skordinski Industrial Revolution Definition-A change in how humans produced goods from the comforting home to the harsh labor of the factory's.
What factors led to the Industrial Revolution?
Factor 1 Agricultural Revolution The population increases its more necessary for food consumption. People needed a surplus of food for population growth.
Factor 2 Domestic System The domestication of animals for labor. The domestic animals provided services of nourishment.
Factor 3 New Economic conditions The theory of capitalism lead to the expansion of businesses. Supply and demand was due to the demand for more products.
Why did the industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain Major technological advancements. Incredible amount of resources. Many ideal transportations.
Abundant of nonrenewable and renewable resources Rivers where used for natural energy. Coal mining was used as nonrenewable source of energy.
New Inventions the new inventions provided varies services that would allow more an efficiency then same job was done by human labor. These inventions gave essentials to the public including proper attire, transportation, and significant advancement in engines.
Industry Labor from both human and other machine mechanisms. The industry created fast cheap factory labor threw the idea of assembly.
farming This caused in increase in population due to more successful harvests. The farming labor also started varies practices of medicine production
Population Growth The increasing of population caused many to move to urban society's. This growth caused the demand for surplus of necessary items.
Word definitions Textiles-”The branch of industry involved in the manufacture of cloth” industry-1.”Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories”. Manufacturing1.”Make (something) on a large scale using machinery: "they manufacture paint"; "a manufacturing company". Urban-”In, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town: "the urban population". Rural-”In, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town”: "remote rural areas". Capitalism-”An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit”. Entrepreneur1.”A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so’’. Labor- ‘hard physical work: "manual labor’’