JAMPRO and the Circular Economy Presentation to JAMPRO Workshop August 30, 2016
Structure of the presentation Conceptualization Issues Global, regional, national Operational Issues Case studies: Ecuador, Panama, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago Greenwashing Perils and solutions A way forward for Jamaica Light manufacturing Standards and Quality
Conceptualization Issues Different concepts, same principles, and broad objectives Green Economy Bio-EconomyEco-Innovation Circular Economy
Antecedents of GE Concepts Entered mainstream debate in 2008 Sparked by “Triple Crisis” - Socio-political crisis - Economic crisis - Ecological crisis - View that ecological crisis can be harnessed to solve all 3 crises - Ecological crisis used as driver of new economic growth model
Antecedents of 2012: - GE becomes theme of the Rio + 20 Conference “Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” - GE Defined as: “an economy that results in improved well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities”
Antecedents of 2012: - GE becomes theme of the Rio + 20 Conference “Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” - GE Defined as: “an economy that results in improved well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities”
Antecedents of Green Economy (Low carbon growth + resource efficiency + social inclusivity) = sustainable development
Defined as: “ the application of biotechnology to primary production, health and industry.” Will require public research support, regulations, intellectual property rights and social attitudes 2 new business models for biotechnology: – Collaborative models for sharing knowledge and reducing research costs – Integrator models to create and maintain markets Bio-Economy Bio-Economy
“Obtaining the full benefits of the bio-economy will require purposive goal-oriented policy. This will require leadership, primarily by governments but also by leading firms, to: -establish goals for the application of biotechnology to primary production, industry and health; -put in place the structural conditions required to achieve success such as obtaining regional and international agreements; -develop mechanisms to ensure that policy can flexibly adapt to new opportunities.” - OECD Bio-Economy Bio-Economy
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns – Implement 10-year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production – Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources – By 2030 halve per capital global food waste at retail and consumer level and reduce food losses along the production and supply chains – By 2030 substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, recycling and reuse. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Green economy characteristics – Equitable in its distribution of economic benefits and costs – Productive in its management of ecological resources – Investing in resilience to climate change and other external shocks – Pro-poor – Generates decent jobs and working conditions for locals – Creates a region economy that is self-directed, self-reliant, and resistant to foreign control – Rooted specifically in the rich, local culture of the Caribbean Conceptualization Issues (Caribbean)
Vision of a Green Economy “ A sense of shared Caribbean identity and commitment to pan-Caribbean cooperation human security, good governance, a strong information base for decision- making and a well-educated citizenry” Conceptualization Issues (Caribbean)
“Innovation for Sustainable Growth” – Knowledge-based, transforming life-sciences based knowledge into new, sustainable, eco-efficient and competitive products. – Encompasses all industrial and economic activities that make use of renewable biological resources for the provision of products and services by applying innovative biological and technological processes – 3-prong strategy, involving: (1) investment in skills, research and innovation; (2) coordination of policy and with stakeholders; and (3) market development CE Conceptualization Issues (EU)
Comprehensive Bio-economy Strategy – Bio-economy Council established (2009) – Bio-economy policy and strategy (2013) – 2.4 billion Euro funded strategy to strengthen the innovation research organizations and businesses, especially in renewable resources, food security (plant breeding) and basic research on biotechnology, and forging unusual alliances between the scientific community, SMEs and large enterprises CE Conceptualization Issues (Germany)
Regional Energy and Circular Economy – National Plan for the Promotion of Biomass Utilization (2010) – Focuses on 7 elements: (1) basic research, (2) technology, (3) biomass supplies (4) demand and market development; (5) specific biomass strategies, (6) comprehensive support strategy; (7) global strategy CE Conceptualization Issues (Japan)
“A Circular Economy is: “…restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing between technical and biological cycles. “…a continuous positive development cycle that preserves and enhances natural capital, optimizes resource yields, and minimizes system risks by managing finite stocks and renewable flows.” Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation Circular Economy Principles
Circular Economy Conceptualization
Closed Loop Cycle Production in the Americas Projects
The initiative was conceived Request from the Ministry of Coordination of Production, Employment and Competitiveness National Closed Looped Cycle Production Program First Cradle-to-Cradle basic certified product in LAC Cleaner Production Center for Ecuador Inclusion of dedicated text in the National Development Plan Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development Sustainable Productive Development towards a Circular Economy in Colombia Development of Panama Green Label Finding a sustainable alternative packaging to replace the Styrofoam containers Participating countries
QUITO, March 19, 2013 Award ceremony for the first C2C basic certification for a packaging product in Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador: first C2C basic certification in LAC
Development of Panama Green Label An initiative launched by the Union of Industrialist (SIP), the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MICI), and the Ministry of Environment during the 8th International Symposium of Cleaner Production in OAS representative (2014), Minister of the MICI, President SIP, and Director of ANAM receiving the draft of the Diagnostic of the Production Sector C2C certification process by Aguas Cirstalinas and Productos Lux
Panama Green Label C2C Certification / Strategies
National Strategy towards a Circular Economy in Colombia In collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MINCIT), the CLCPA project in Colombia focuses on the strengthening, development and implementation of policies that integrate the principles of circular economy in the productive sector. Promoting and creating awareness about Closed Looped Cycle Production, Circular Economy and C2C. Among 470+ public, private, academic, and civil society participants attended the two organized CLCP Awareness Raising Seminars held in Bogota and Medellin, Colombia. Colombia
National Strategy towards a Circular Economy
Colombia: Pilot Projects and Design Workshop Colombia: Pilot Projects and Design Workshop Eco-Flora Cares S.A. Laboratorios Lady Rose Zak Ecologico Design Workshop on Circular Economy:
The purpose is initiating a discussion among key ministries and decision makers regarding the potential for the development of an alternative sustainable packaging. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam has 0% of duty rate when entering the country. Signing Ceremony of Technical Cooperation Agreement between the OAS and the Govt. of Trinidad & Tobago Sustainable alternative packaging to replace the Expanded Polystyrene Foam
Activity 8: Target 50 MSMEs who are currently not exporting but willing to explore the possibilities of export with special emphasis on green products Jamaican Green Cluster Economy by NES Identifying subsectors (companies producing green products?) Analysis of products and manufacturing processes (ready?) Redesign of products and processes Identify international markets and export regulations Activity 16: Encourage and incentivise manufacturers to adopt greater environmental and green practices Awareness raising General and specific workshops Pilot project to illustrate adopted environmental and green practices + incentives Light manufacturing
Activity 17: Encourage and incentivise the sector to get more involved in recycling practices (paper manufacturers) Jamaican Green Cluster Economy by NES Diagnostic of the subsector(s) Look into the actual (circular) routes that materials follow Identify the opportunities to increase of start the circularity Bring international examples Light manufacturing Activity 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 13 Develop certification programmes related to sustainable development. Packaging Standards and Quality Art of state of international certifications Development of a local certification? Opportunities for producers to manufacture sustainable packaging Present sustainable packaging alternatives (local resources, import tax)
Circular Model: Paper Industry Clients
TerraChoice Study of Environmental claims in North American markets 6 sins of Greenwahsing (1) Hidden trade-offs …suggesting a product is “green” based on a single environmental attribute (the recycled content of paper, for example) or an unreasonably narrow set of attributes (recycled content and chlorine free bleaching) without attention to other important, or perhaps more important, environmental issues (such as energy, global warming, water, and forestry impacts of paper). Such claims are not usually false, but are used to paint a “greener” picture of the product than a more complete environmental analysis would support. (2) No proof Any environmental claim that cannot be substantiated by easily accessible supporting information, or by a reliable third-party certification, and/or’ if supporting evidence was not accessible at either the point of purchase or at the product website. Sins of Greenwashing
(3) Vagueness by every claim that is so poorly defined or broad that its real meaning is likely to be misunderstood by the intended consumer. (4) Irrelevance Making an environmental claim that may be truthful but is unimportant and unhelpful for consumers seeking environmentally-preferable products. It is irrelevant and therefore distracts the consumer from finding a truly greener option. (5) Fibbing Making environmental claims that are simply false. (6) Lesser of 2 Evils These are “green” claims that may be true within the product category, but that risk distracting the consumer from the greater environmental impacts of the category as a whole. Examples include: Organic cigarettes and “Green” insecticides and herbicides. Greenwashing (2)
Avoiding greenwashing does not require waiting for a perfect product. It means that sound science, honesty, and transparency are paramount. Avoiding Greenwashing
Avoiding the Sin of the “Hidden Trade-Off” Understand all of the environmental impacts of your product across its entire lifecycle Emphasize specific messages (particularly when you know your audiences care about those issues) but don’t use single issues to distract from other impacts. Pursue continual improvement of your environmental footprint (across the entire lifecycle), and encourage your customers to join you on that journey. Draw on multi-attribute eco-labeling standard and certification programs, such as EcoLogoCM and Green Seal for legitimacy of environmental claims. Don’t make claims about a single environmental impact or benefit, without knowing how your product performs in terms of its other impacts, and without sharing that information with your customers. Avoiding Greenwashing (2)
2) Avoiding the Sin of No Proof Do understand and confirm the scientific case behind each green marketing claim. Do use language that resonates with your customer, as long as that language is truthful. Do use caution in your use of the recycling/recyclable symbol (the mobius loop). Its use is so widespread and confused that it has become largely meaningless. Don’t use vague names and terms (such as environmentally- friendly) without providing precise explanations of your meaning. Don’t use the terms “chemical-free” and “all-natural”. Avoiding Greenwashing (3)
Avoiding the Sin of Irrelevance Don’t claim CFC-free, because it is not a legitimate point of competitive differentiation. Don’t claim any environmental benefit that is shared by all or most of your competitors. Avoiding the Sin of the Lesser of Two Evils Do help each customer find the product that is right for them, based on their needs and wants. Don’t try to make a customer feel “green” about a choice that is basically harmful or unnecessary. 6) Avoiding the Sin of Fibbing Do tell the truth. Always. Always tell the truth. Avoiding Greenwashing (4)
Summary CE requires a whole of country approach Involves multiple actors and across several sectors Demands policy coherence Best linked to a national development strategy Needs sustained R&D capability and involvement Needs sustained public education and awareness
Thank you!