Normal stomach
Fundic mucosa with parietal & chief cells Antral mucosa with mucin secreting glands Stomach - Histology
GASTRITIS CLASSIFICATION Acute vs Chronic Topographic Etiologic GRADING Mild, Moderate, Severe
Sydney system – Classification: Chronic gastritis Fig.: Dixon MF, Genta RM, Yardley JH, Correa P. Classification and grading of gastritis. The updated Sydney System. International Workshop on the Histopathology of Gastritis, Houston Am J Surg Pathol Oct;20(10):
H. PYLORI GASTRITIS Epidemiology Morphology Mode of infection Pathogenicity
H. pylori Lymphoid follicle Inflammatory infiltrate Atrophic glands
1. H.Pylori
H. PYLORI GASTRITIS Types of gastritis Peptic ulcer disease Disease progression Associated tumors
ACUTE GASTRIC ULCERS Tend to be multiple No predilective sites Etiologic Associations
Hemorrhagic erosions Érosions Erosions Ulcers
Intact epithelium Superficial erosion Fibrinoinflammatory exudate Diffuse erosion Inflammatory Infiltrate Intact epithelium Hémorrhage
PEPTIC ULCERS Common Sites Usually single but can be multiple Strong association with H.P. Histology: - 4 layers
Peptic ulcer (stomach) Esophagu s Ulcer Stomach
Peptic ulcer (stomach) Macroscopic appearance : « punched-out » + convergence of gastric folds
Peptic ulcer (stomach) Ulcer penetrating just inside the muscularis propria Overhanging margins
Peptic ulcer (stomach)
Peptic ulcer (duodenum) Ulcer
PEPTIC ULCERS Histology: 4 layers Fibrinous exudate Polymorphs Granulation tissue Fibrosis
Peptic ulcer (stomach) Mucosal ulceration
Ulcer Intact gastric mucosa (with overhanging margin) Peptic ulcer (stomach)
Granulation tissue Peptic ulcer (stomach) FibrosisDebris + Acute inflammation
Peptic ulcer (stomach)
COMPLICATIONS OF PEPTIC ULCERS Hemorrhage Obstruction Penetration Perforation Carcinoma
GASTRIC CANCER CLASSIFICATION Early vs Advanced Gross Appearance Histologic
Gastric adenocarcinoma : Macroscopic Aspect Early cancer: Advanced cancer: The various morphologies of gastric adenocarcinoma
Gastric adenocarcinoma: intestinal type Ulcered tumor Early antral tumor
Gastric adenocarcinoma Ulcerated tumor with irregular surface
Gastric adenocarcinoma: diffuse type “Linitis plastica” Diffuse wall thickening
Gastric adenocarcinoma gastrique Intestinal type adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated Fibrinopurulent exudate (ulceration) Infiltrative irregular glands
Gastric adenocarcinoma Intestinal type adenocarcinoma Desmoplastic reaction Invasive glands
Gastric adenocarcinoma Invasive glands Luminal necrosis Intestinal type adenocarcinoma
Gastric adenocarcinoma Diffuse type adenocarcinoma (signet ring cell carcinoma) « Signet ring cells » Surface epithelium (normal)
T staging
N staging
Gastric adenocarcinoma Tumor with peritoneal invasion & peritoneal carcinomatosis