Al-Anfal Campaign Al-Anfal, Arabic for "spoils of war" "...Anfal was a mammoth campaign of civic annihilation, displacement, and mass killing." Ba'athist Iraq Government vs. Kurdish People February through September 1988
Kurds Ethnic Group Scattered across the Middle East South Eastern Turkey, Northern Iraq, Western Iran, Northern Syria Various Religions
Ba'athist Iraq Ba'ath was a Political Party Socialist Took power in 1963 Leader seen weak by Iraq military July 17, 1968 Bloodless Revolution Saddam Hussein played a key role
Saddam Hussein and Ali Hassan al- Majid Effective Politician Focused on unifying the Ba'ath Party, Iraq, and worked on Iraq's domestic problems Al-Bakr's right hand man 1979 Saddam Hussein Elected President Iran-Iraq War 1980 Al-Majid put in charge of internal problems Known for ruthlessness "Chemical Ali"
Al Anfal Campaign Begins in February 1988 Final Phase of Iran-Iraq war Official Military operation Designed to exterminate the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq Bomb rural areas "In order to kill the largest number of persons present." “[a]ll persons captured in those villages shall be detained and interrogated by the security services, and those between the ages of 15 and 70 shall be executed after any useful information has been obtained from them.”
Halabja March 16, 1988 Deadliest attack in the Al-Anfal Campaign Inhabited by 45,000 Kurds Iraqi Planes dropped chemical bombs on the city Mustard gas and a number of nerve agents "Smell of sweet apples" Victims died in horrendous ways
Aftermath of Halabja 3,200-5,000 Kurds killed 10,000 injured Lasting effects from chemicals Birth defects, blindness, respiratory issues, heart issues Many survivors wish that they would have died in the attack that day
Aftermath of Al-Anfal September, 1988 90% of Kurdish villages in Northern Iraq destroyed Saddam's Regime announced "amnesty" for all Kurds Not allowed to go into "Prohibited Zones" Hardly any world response United States and others had previously supported Saddam
Works Cited "25 Years After Worst Chemical Attack." International Business Times. N.p., 15 Mar Web. 12 Apr "Case Study: Al-Anfal." The 1988 Anfal Campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan. N.p., 3 Mar Web. 20 May "Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights." Al-Anfal and the Genocide of Iraqi Kurds. N.p., 2 Aug Web. 12 Apr "GRAPHIC: The Halabja Massacre " N.p., 20 Mar Web. 4 May "Halabja Chemical Weapons." BBC News. BBC, 21 Feb Web. 3 May "The Crimes of Saddam Hussein." PBS. PBS, 15 Sept Web. 1 May 2015.