Alachua County Cogongrass Program August 11, 2016
Cogongrass Imperata cylindrica
One of the top 10 worst weeds in the world Poses a serious fire hazard Destroys plant and wildlife habitat NW 75 St - North of Hague
History 2007 Citizens raised County Right of Ways concerns to County Manager and BoCC (February) BoCC Briefing (March 13) Rural Concerns Advisory Committee (March 22) Multi-Agency team established (April 4) Rural Concerns Tour of Infested Areas (June 21) FY 2008 Adopted Budget did not include Cogongrass funding enhancement
History 2016 Staff directed to present a cogon grass update. BoCC Presentation (May 3) Board motion - Direct the County Manager to return in this budget cycle with a program to address the problem of cogongrass and refer to any appropriate advisory board.
Program Outline 1.Update location map Train staff to locate Re-activate smartphone app or look into new alternatives. Obtain points from other departments and citizens
Program Outline 2. Prevention In-house training twice a year for staff Public outreach – involving the Communications Department Add cogon-free clause in annual bids for limerock, fill dirt, etc. SW 8 Ave at Cobblefield
Program Outline 3.Signage Signs on Right-of-Way Placed at both edges of infestations Will encourage avoidance
Program Outline 4.Implementation – $80,000 first year $70,000 Annual contract to spray $5,000 Signage $5,000 Supplies (small sprayers, chemical, fliers, etc.) SJRWMD website photo
Program Outline Herbicide Spraying Cost ~ $70,000 Annual Contract to spray Cost estimate updated after field assessment of points from vendor. Estimate increase due to diversity of locations. Cost includes 2 treatments per year (fall and spring)
Program Outline 5. Monitoring Use current approved staffing Twice per year (pre and post-spraying) Coordination with other departments on effectiveness and new infestations. SW 63 Blvd - behind Kanapaha Botanical Gardens
Advisory Committees 1.Rural Concerns Recommendations: - Spray twice per year. - Begin with larger areas. 2.Environmental Protection No specific Board recommendations NW 46 Ave at Gatorback
Recommendations 1.$80,000 Implementation Spray known locations twice per year + Sign and Supply costs 2.$45,000 Implementation Spray known locations once per year + Sign and Supply costs 3.Public Outreach only - Media
Questions? Pine plantation sprayed on NW 32 nd Ave, North of Jonesville.