ESDIN Overview and Current Status Geospatial World Forum Hyderabad, India Arnulf Christl, MetaspatialMetaspatial Download this slide set as ODP or PDF at PDF GWF Hyderabad, India2 / 25 Arnulf Christl Geospatially aware software developer since 1991, manager, spatial systems architect. ● Current President of OSGeo Current President of OSGeo ● OGC Architecture Board Member OGC Architecture Board Member ● OpenStreetMap Advocate OpenStreetMap Founder of several companies and initiatives, talks to much and travels too much. GWF Hyderabad, India3 / 25 Metaspatial When? Consultation since March 2010 Why? To leverage your spatial data What? Consultation and Implementation of - Spatial Data Infrastructures - Metadata How: Open Source Software and Data with Open Standards and Agile management
GWF Hyderabad, India 4/25 ESDIN is an eContentplus Best Practice Network project started September 2008 coordinated by EuroGeographicsEuroGeographics Key goal: help member states, candidate countries and EFTA States prepare their data for INSPIRE Annex 1 spatial data themes and improve access: 1.Coordinate Reference Systems 2.Administrative Boundaries 3.Cadastral Parcels 4.Hydrography 5.Transport Networks 6.Geographical Names ESDIN Introduction
GWF Hyderabad, India 5/25 Project partners
GWF Hyderabad, India 6/25 Specific Objectives: ● Implement Annex 1 INSPIRE compliant web based services which support the aggregation of harmonised data across borders and across themes Secure Environment Protected NMCA data OGC WFS Maintain Core Data Daily delivery
GWF Hyderabad, India 7/25 Quality Evaluation Edge Matching Generalization Unique IDs INSPPIRE Annex Themes Reference Data Daily delivery Automized processing to achieve: ● Highest quality products ● With near real time delivery
GWF Hyderabad, India 8/25 Specific Objectives: ● Aggregate data through development of INSPIRE web services at different levels of resolution. EU Commission Banking and Insurances Public Administration Real Estate, Industry Citizens Emergency Education Utilitiy Companies Traffic Control Environment Protection NATO Geology subscription high delivery frequency low delivery frequency Global Regional (OGC WFS) High Resolution INSPIRE (OGC WF)
GWF Hyderabad, India 9/25 Test INSPIRE Imple- mentation Rules and specifications in a live environment and recommend improvements. NMCA Local Data Schema & CRS Transformation Data Integration & Conflation Edge Matching Geometric Generalisation Cartographic Enhancement Transform local schemas to common INSPIRE data specification framework. Integrate INSPIRE data into compatible collaborative dataset(s). Ensure cross-border consistency across neighbouring data. Reduce data complexity, for effective use at alternate scales. Modify and enhance data for mapping purposes.
GWF Hyderabad, India 10/25 Outcomes: ● Greater understanding of the technical consequences of INSPIRE for key content stakeholders, eg, the European NMCAs ● Greater understanding of the business consequences of INSPIRE ● Wider access to geospatial digital content, eg, to the European academic sector ● Core components of the ESDI established ● Operational services covering 6 of the INSPIRE Annex 1 themes ● Test environment
GWF Hyderabad, India 11/25 Specifically the Project will (1): ● Provide data for INSPIRE Annex 1 themes at a range of scales. ● "Range of scales" are realized through "varying Level of Detail" ● Assess the suitability of this information as a basis for linking to other themes. ● European Location Framework that can form the basis and foundation for LinkedDataLinkedData
GWF Hyderabad, India 12/25 Specifically the Project will (2): ● Put in place services capable of transforming and providing access to data. ● The project has successfully supported several (but not enough) NMCAs in setting up services ● Develop a quality model. ● Quality of originating data, processing steps, generalization as basis for fitness of use in different domains.
GWF Hyderabad, India 13/25 WP6: Migrate existing pan European small scale products to ExM: EuroGlobalMap EuroRegionalMap EuroBoundaryMap ExM Data Specification INSPIRE Data Specs INSPIRE Data Specifications as framework. Note overlap
GWF Hyderabad, India 14/25 WP7: Extend ExM to incorporate large scale data: European NMCAs large scale products: Cadastral parcels ExM Data Specification INSPIRE Data Specs INSPIRE is scale independent, but access to multiple scales is important for large numbers of users Transformation and generalisation services required!
GWF Hyderabad, India 15/25 WP10 ExM Transformation specifications ExMExM INSPIRE Large scale Medium scale Small scale Large scale Medium scale Small scale INSPIRE aware Location framework NMCA 1 Large scale Medium scale Small scale NMCA N Multiple European NMCAs Transformation Implement transformation rules for participating NMCAs. Prepare for generalisation.
GWF Hyderabad, India 16/25 WP9: NMCA Data maintenance and business processes Improve geospatial maintenance at the European level –Edge-matching methodologies –Stable Unique Identifiers –Near real-time Change-only Updates for power users (subscription model)
GWF Hyderabad, India 17/25 Edge Matching
GWF Hyderabad, India 18/25 Initially planned Architecture
GWF Hyderabad, India 19/25 Protected Protected Area Protected NMCA data Protected NMCA data Quality Evaluation asynchronous reporting Edge Matching Generalization Unique IDs OGC WFS Maintain Core Data Offline Maintain Core Data EU Commission Banking and Insurances Academia Subscription / WebHooks High frequency: Daily delivery Low delivery frequency, yearly ! ! INSPPIRE Annex Themes Reference Data Real Estate, Industry Citizens & Administration Initial Capability Scenario
GWF Hyderabad, India 20/25 Quality Evaluation asynchronous reporting Edge Matching Generalization Unique IDs Secure Env Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Secure Environment Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation EU Commission Real Estate, Industry Citizens & Administration Banking and Insurances Academia subscription ! ! INSPPIRE Annex Themes Reference Data Secure Environment Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Secure Environment Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Secure Environment Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Secure Environment Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Secure Env Protected NMCA data Schema Transformation Frequeny of delivery Production Scenario
GWF Hyderabad, India 21/25 Challenges ● Distributed Work Teams ● Availability of production quality WFS services (eg no GML 3.2.1) ● Licensing Policies ● Time and manpower constraints of participating NMCAs ● Involvement of stakeholders
GWF Hyderabad, India 22/25 Adopting new Project Methodology ● Introducing Scrum in WP 11 DevelopmentScrum ● Clear definition of roles ● Product Manager: focus on maximising ROI ● Team: daily stand-up meetings improve focus ● Scrum Master: Removes impediments ● High acceptance by development teams and management (after some positive experience) !
GWF Hyderabad, India 23/25 Scrum Outline ● Create ad hoc focused distributed teams ● Maintain Product Backlog ● Define Sprint Goal ● Create Sprint Backlog ● Iterate ● Report ● Amend 24 h 10 days
GWF Hyderabad, India 24/25 ESDIN: Practical Outcomes ● European Location Framework ● Ready to serve as reference for LinkedDataLinkedData ● ESDIN Architecture and Data Viewer (dev) (dev) ● Access Security using ShibbolethShibboleth ● Best Practice: How to get things done the INSPIRE way ● Outreach through seminars, articles, etc. GWF Hyderabad, India25 / 25 Thank you for your attention! Time for Questions and Answers Metaspatial This Slide set can be used, reused and modified by anybody for any purpose. See also: Copystraight. Copystraight Copyright: Arnulf Christl 2011Arnulf Christl The international Open Source Conference for the Geospatial Domain Download this slide set as ODP or PDF at