せつぶん Setsu bun
せつぶん Setsubun comes on the 3rd of February this year. The term せつぶん originally referred to the days marking the change from one season to the next, so that there were four of them, Today only the day before risshun (the beginning of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar) is called by that name. Setsubun comes on the 3rd of February this year.
There are 2 main events まめまき えほうまき
まめまき Bean-Throwing On the night of せつぶん, many households do まめまき - a bean-throwing ceremony. They fill ます (a wooden measuring cup) with roasted soybeans and throw the beans all about the room, shouting 「おには そと!ふくは うち!」 meaning "Out with the devils and in with fortune!"
まめまき began to drive out evil spirits and the seeds of misfortune, as well as to pray for the family's well-being and good business
After the まめまき is over, everyone eats the same number of beans as their own age. It is believed that by doing so, people will be free of sickness during that year In some places, famous people are doing まめまき and people catch them as a lucky item. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNPiy5nOb5A
恵方巻き えほうまき えほうまき is a Kansai region custom for setsubun no hi. Nowadays though えほうまき has become popular nationwide えほうまき in New York? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXOrA6ci4_8&featur e=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsqTtRekgq0
Finally, you must eat the whole roll in It must contain seven ingredients, because seven is a lucky number. It must not be cut, because it might cut (off) your luck. You have to eat it while facing the lucky direction, which changes every year. Finally, you must eat the whole roll in total silence
This year’s lucky direction is 南南東 South South East!