Content Protection: Extending content protection into the home and personal environment TODAY Jeff Lawrence Director, Global Content Policy Intel Corporation
ConsumerElectronics Low cost, fixed-function CP solutions that gain access to High value contentLow cost, fixed-function CP solutions that gain access to High value content Content Providers Maximize profit on content -- Copying causes lost salesMaximize profit on content -- Copying causes lost sales Always want more protectionAlways want more protection PC Industry FlexibilityFlexibility Leaders in Internet contentLeaders in Internet content CP Environment Governments and Regulatory Bodies and Courts Maintain favorable business climateMaintain favorable business climate “Protect” Consumers“Protect” Consumers Service Providers Strengthen value of serviceStrengthen value of service BROADBANDCONTENT BROADCAST CONTENT PRE-RECORDEDCONTENT HD TV Consumers Value for the moneyValue for the money convenient flexibility convenient flexibility ease of useease of use
Vision: Universal Access and Interoperability BROADBAND/Wired and Wireless Entertainment, E-Business, Services MEDIA Pre-Recorded Content Personal Media Personal Media Conditional Access/Cable, Satellite, IPTV, Broadcast, Wireless Services,Entertainment Any Content, Any Place, Any Device, Any Time (as authorized) MOBILE MULTIMEDIA Entertainment, Personal Pictures and Video, Services
CP Challenges Proprietary vertical services are increasing HD pipes into home All services lead to the Display The Display is increasingly the center of the Home Network Consumers just want it all to work Horizontal Markets for Devices (TVs, Displays, Recorders, Portables) are likely to continue to dominate for some time How do we make the home network and displays work together? –Proprietary CA/CP/DRM approach: how far into the home network and display world can they reach? Will proprietary STB displace all Tivo style recorders and manage all content? Can “i-Tunes” be replicated for HD TV? WMNExtensions; OMA Domains; other proprietary “extensions” –Standards based approach: proprietary systems should embrace horizontal technologies. Which technologies and which capabilities? Why? Case Study: HDCP and DTCP (a word about CPRM as well)
Pre-recorded Media Conditional Access: DVBARIB US Cable Plug and Play China: AVS? Broadband DRMs/IPTV Digital Terrestrial Broadcast AACS (HD DVD, Blu-Ray) DVD CCA's CSS (video) 5C's DTCP China: AVS US: Broadcast Flag DVB ARIB Connect Portables DVI HDMI UDI DisplayPort Intel’s HDCP Recordable Media AACS, 4C’s CPRM, VCPS End to End Content ProtectionDMAs 5C’s DTCP (DLNA Home Network) 5C’s DTCP (DLNA) 3G Source CMLA OMA DRM V2.0* Proprietary Standards based CMLA OMA DRM V2.0 DVB other Mobile CA
End to End Content Protection: Open Architectures In an Open Architecture, a variety of content delivery systems and home networking content protection technologies can peacefully co-exist Open Architectures achieve security through cryptographic protocols, but they achieve end to end content protection and device interoperability through “Licensing Chains” and “Compliance Rules” In an Open Architecture “Licensing Chain”, a variety of DRMs and CP Technologies achieve interoperability through “product design” and “product robustness” Open Architectures are flexible and have broad reach and extended utility in the real world and leverage the “network effort ”
7 Example of Interoperable Chain Each License in chain defines “Compliance and Robustness Rules” that designate “permitted outputs” (E.g., CA License permits DTCP; DTCP license permits AACS/CPRM recording; AACS/CPRM license permits HDCP Digital Output for display) Implementers license “permitted output technologies” needed for its specific product so that product has desired “inputs and outputs” Products interoperate “by design” through “permitted outputs” CA … Permitted outputs: 1394 w/DTCP IP with DTCP HDMI w/HDCP … DTCP …Permitted copy-once: DVD with CPRM DVD with VCPS HD with AACS HDMI w/HDCP … AACS Recordable … Permitted outputs: DTCP, WMDRM HDMI w/ HDCP HDCP … Permitted outputs: DVI w/ HDCP … DVI CA DTCP IEEE 1394 AACS HDCP AACS CA LicenseDTCP LicenseCPRM LicenseHDCP License Set-top Box HDD+DVD Recorder Media Center HD Monitor/TV
HDCP and DTCP Presence HDCP acceptance is quite broad. No fight to control the “last mile” –HDready logo for displays requires HDCP (DVI or HDMI) –HDtv logo for intergrated receivers recommends HDCP (DVI or HDMI) –DVB-IRDI (Integrated Receiver/Decoder Interface Specification) (HDMI, infers HDCP); –EuroCableLabs references DVB-IRDI –Japan ARIB –US Cable, Satellite –US HD Terrestrial Broadcast (Flag) –AACS for HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc –DVDCCA for DVD Video –OMA/CMLA –China??? CCTV, Encryption Regs DTCP acceptance is growing... –DLNA 1.5 makes DTCP-IP mandatory link protection –ARIB Digital Broadcast TV approves –US Cable (1394, IP ) –US HD Terrestrial Broadcast (Flag) –AACS for HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc –DVDCCA for DVD Video –OMA/CMLA –LOTS of broadband services –Intel Viiv... –DVB CPCM compatible –China DRM Forum Desire for control and “stickiness” initially prevented broader acceptance of DTCP, but that appears to have changed.
Pre-recorded Media Conditional Access: DVBARIB US Cable Plug and Play China: AVS? Broadband DRMs/IPTV Digital Terrestrial Broadcast AACS (HD DVD, Blu-Ray) DVD CCA's CSS (video) 5C's DTCP China: AVS US: Broadcast Flag DVB ARIB Connect Portables DVI HDMI UDI DisplayPort Intel’s HDCP Recordable Media AACS, 4C’s CPRM, VCPS End to End Content ProtectionDMAs 5C’s DTCP (DLNA Home Network) 5C’s DTCP (DLNA) 3G Source CMLA OMA DRM V2.0* Proprietary Standards based CMLA OMA DRM V2.0 DVB other Mobile CA