The Last Class
Class Grades Project 10 is the only thing not yet posted Will be posted by end of classes Working through the last two day’s s Still to come Today’s lab Extra credit Final Exam
You have until 5 pm to change your time Exam is a team-built web site 3 pages Javascript Excel data uploaded as table (spreadsheet attached) Topic options and team assignments at exam Outline of approach to complete the work
Today Math for the extra credit Structure for spreadsheets Getting data from the web Tasks for final exam
Computing Grades
Computing Grades (Point Basis) Consider Projects are graded on 20 point scale Assignments are graded on 10 point scale Is each project is worth twice an assignment? Which one has a larger penalty for not validating?
Computing Grades (Weights) Consider 3 grades for a course First 2 are each worth ¼ of your grade Last one is is ½ of your grade Do you know how to calculate your grade?
Approaching the Extra Credit Normalize the point basis to 100% Just a percentage Normalize the weights Just a percentage
Spreadsheet Structure
3 Spreadsheet Structure Inputs Data that you are going to work with Never touch it Copy it to another spreadsheet Outputs Format it the way that you want Only show the data that you care about Computations As many steps as you want Including things you may not use As many spreadsheets as you want
Getting Data From the Web
Option 1: Find a Download button Data Sets Option 2: Cut and Paste Directly Destination format Values only Sports Option 3: Cut and Paste to Komodo Often works if it doesn’t retain rows
For the Final Exam
Changing Data Subsetting Less items (teams, cities, countries, states) Less statistics Merging More items Adding statistics Normalizing From numbers to percentages
And a Final Thought
What You Have Learned Not about building websites About understanding computers Not about writing JavaScript About attacking problems You are going to be using technology forever Don’t fear it Conquer it