Orange County Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice August 2, 2016 BCC Discussion Item
Presentation Outline Introduction Public Participation Consolidated Plan Action Plan Fair Housing Plan Action Requested
Introduction Background: The Consolidated Plan is the strategic plan that provides the framework for federal housing and community development programs in Orange County Establishes goals/objectives for the next five fiscal years Requirement to receive federal funding and includes a 1-year Action Plan New formatting – first time submitted electronically
Introduction Consolidated Plan Framework: 5-Year Consolidated Plan – evaluates housing and community development needs, market conditions, and demographics to assists in establishing priorities and making investment decisions. 1-Year Action Plan – provides the actions, activities and specific federal and non-federal resources used each year to address priority needs and goals of the Consolidated Plan. Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) – reports on accomplishments and progress towards achieving Consolidated Plan goals.
Introduction Consolidated Plan (5-Year Strategic Plan with clear goals) Consolidated Plan (5-Year Strategic Plan with clear goals) Annual CAPER (Performance and Evaluation Report) Annual Action Plan (steps towards Con Plan goals) Annual Action Plan (steps towards Con Plan goals) Community Development Framework:
Public Participation Consultation and collaboration with other jurisdictions, County Divisions, Continuum of Care (CoC), Housing Authorities of Orlando and Winter Park Six (6) topic-specific focus group meetings held in February of 2016 Request for Applications (RFA) process took place in March- April 2016 Public comment period from June 13, 2016 to July 13, 2016 Public hearing conducted on June 15, 2016 – with the Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB)
Consolidated Plan Goals and Objectives: 1.Collaborate with local and regional stakeholders on provision of affordable housing for low to moderate income households 2.Enhance the quality of life of low to moderate income residents through a variety of revitalization and sustainability efforts, and social and economic activities 3.Utilize a comprehensive strategy to prevent and eliminate homelessness
Consolidated Plan Goals and Objectives: 1.Provide affordable housing – Preserve the existing supply of affordable housing and ensure sustainable investments in rental housing – Support the creation of new affordable housing units – Continue housing rehabilitation efforts – Expand the range of affordable housing choices – Increase homeownership opportunities
Consolidated Plan Goals and Objectives: 1.Provide affordable housing 2.Enhance the quality of life – Support infrastructure improvements and community revitalization efforts – Prevent housing discrimination – Expand access to public services – Provide adequate access to quality public facilities
Consolidated Plan Goals and Objectives: 1.Provide affordable housing 2.Enhance the quality of life 3.Prevent and eliminate homelessness – Support activities to eliminate homelessness – Expand permanent housing and stabilization of homeless households – Collaborate with the Continuum of Care (CoC) and other stakeholders on data sharing and resources to improve delivery of services – Support activities that focus on preventing homelessness
Action Plan Summary: Official funding request submitted annually Identifies how resources will be used to accomplish specific objectives and priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan Provides the specific funding for activities and programs that will be implemented during FY Includes target goals and outcomes for services to homeless, disabled, elderly and low-income residents of Orange County
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – $ 5,576,866 HOME – $ 1,896,464 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – $ 491,249 Action Plan Budget: Action Plan
Fair Housing Plan Summary: Officially known as Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice A five-year plan addressing barriers to fair housing choice in Orange County in both, public and private sectors Outlines actions to overcome those barriers
Fair Housing Plan Major Barriers to Fair Housing Choice: Most complaints are from persons with disabilities Insufficient supply of affordable housing units Limited public transportation options/need for affordable housing near transit and employment centers Need for a comprehensive policy framework supporting various affordable housing options Emergence of subprime lending products/competitive housing market that limits housing choice Need for continuous fair housing education and training
Fair Housing Plan Recommended Actions to Overcome Barriers: Continue to support and fund affordable housing projects, including those serving special needs populations Expand fair housing training to include public officials and hard-to-reach populations Develop new fair housing outreach materials Simplify access to information about affordable housing for those looking to rent or buy Work closely with consumer advocacy groups to raise awareness about housing scams and predatory lending
Action Requested Approval and execution of Orange County Consolidated Plan, Certifications, Specific CDBG Certifications, Specific HOME Certifications, ESG Certifications; and Approval and execution of One-Year Action Plan that includes Application for Federal Assistance SF- 424, Certifications, Specific CDBG Certifications, Specific HOME Certifications, ESG Certifications; and Approval and execution of Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and Certification to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. All Districts
Orange County Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice August 2, 2016 BCC Discussion Item