Ms. Sabina Riaz Let’s Make Chemistry Interesting
Make learning an innovative and interesting experience. Develop interest in subject so that learning process becomes easy. Evaluate traditional & innovative methods of teaching.
Innovation is the process of making lives better.
- Teacher is a facilitator. - Students are active constructors of knowledge. - Improve learning process. - Strengthen governance. - Learning by doing & real-life application.
Traditional Method Teacher is the source of information. Student is the receiver of information. Students are passive. ‘One way flow’ of information ‘Chalk-and- talk’ method. The material presented is only based on lecturer notes and textbooks. Emphasis on theory rather than practical & real life situations. Learning from memorization, not understanding.
Intervention: Implementing LdL in Learning Chemistry
Learning by Teaching (German: Lernen durch lehren, or LdL) propounded by Jean-Pol Martin in 1980s allows pupils and students to prepare and to teach lessons, or parts of lessons encourages & demands creativity, independence, self-confidence along with complex thinking, exploratory behaviour to seek & find information, presentation skills and the ability to work in a team. didactic model of LdL is a way of preparing students for communication in a knowledge society ( Grzega & Schoner, 2008).
Learning by teaching has a positive influence on student achievement.
Target Population: Class IX students Topic: Separation Techniques for components of mixtures Traditional Method: Explanation & Demonstration. Innovation Opted: Presentation by students through activities along with their own method of teaching Test: Questionnaire based on presentation
Procedure Students were first taught using traditional method & tested through a pre-test. Students were then introduced to how to design an activity & make a presentation. They were asked to choose a topic and work on it either in pairs/groups/individually. They were asked to prepare an activity for the method of separation of mixtures. They presented the method with the help of experiments. They also designed a questionnaire based on their presentation. They conducted the test for the class after they had taught the topic to test the effectiveness of their method as well as understanding level of the class. Results were compared to analyze the effectiveness of method opted.
Sample of an activity designed by students
Teaching peer group
Pre & Post-test Questionnaire Pre-test: FA-II What is Chromatography? Give technique to separate two miscible liquids. Give example of a solid- solid mixture. Differentiate Homogenous and heterogeneous Mixture. Give applications of chromatography. (Post test- Designed by students on the basis of activity) Describe the technique of chromatography. What is a saturated solution? Give a mixture having a sublimable solid What is diffusion? Give application of fractional distillation.
Marks obtained by Students
Comparative Analysis of Pre & Post tests results Pre test resultsPost test results
Findings LdL or Learning by teaching has a positive influence on student achievement. The hypothesis is hence proved.
Highlights of the Intervention proves the theory of LdL gives students opportunity to research on a topic improves understanding creates interest in subject matter improves governance develops confidence in students helps students develop basic lab techniques at initial levels.
Professional Skills of Teaching Leadership Enhanced Communication Greater Self-confidence Organisational Skills Team Work High Motivation Empathy Better Rapport Student Gains
Reference Jean-Pol Martin (2004)in: Treibhäuser der Zukunft - Wie in Deutschland Schulen gelingen. Eine Dokumentation von Reinhard Kahl und der Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung. ISBN (BELTZ), DVD 3ISBN Stollhans, S. (2016). Learning by teaching: developing transferable skills. In E. Corradini, K. Borthwick and A. Gallagher-Brett (Eds), Employability for languages: a handbook (pp ). Dublin: Research Grzega, J., & Schöner, M. (2008). The didactic model LdL (Lernen durch Lehren) as a way of preparing students for communication in a knowledge society. Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 34(3),