By Lucia Saab
Photo comet Halley The comet Halley apers each 76 ears. The tail of the comet Halley can measure 30 millions Of kilometers long.The next time will see the Halley comet will be in 2062.
WHAT ARE COMETS ? From time to time appear shiny patches of light that are comets. The comets are made Of mostly dust icy and carbon. Comets are a small world that sometime scientist call Planetesimal. When a comet turns around his tail gets longer. Like on a curve. A comets tail can be very large.
OORT CLOUD Oort cloud is one way they form
The kiuper belt is another way they form. KIUPER BELT
BIG BANG The big bang was when comets got created
We cant see comets but there are hundreds of them.When a comet gets away from the sun its tail moves in front of it.You are more likely to see a meter than a comet. How bright is a comet depend of how far is from the sun. Comets live a long time.When a comet gets closer to the sun the coma starts forming.Then the tail starts forming. Sometimes scientist call comets here are 2 examples the Halley comet and the Elline.The Halley comet is one of the most famous comets