Planetary Science E/PO Community Tag Up November 11, 2010 EPOXI Rocks! This enhanced image, one of the closest taken of comet Hartley 2 by NASA's EPOXI mission, shows jets and where they originate from the surface. There are jets outgassing from the sunward side, the night side, and along the terminator -- the line between the two sides. The image was taken by EPOXI's Medium- Resolution Instrument on Nov. 4, The sun is to the right. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD
News from HQ … Data call … coming soon! –All SMD funded activities (name, description, funding amount, etc.) –Consider OEPM reporting and modify your activities in the spreadsheet to make sense (e.g., “open” the bins more to allow reporting of all events) –Remove activities that are no longer active –Add new activities –Identify OEPM POCs –Will offer on-line sessions for discussions / questions OEPM status –Activities will be updated based on data call –Education only; no outreach –Can enter summaries of events –MAY eventually be able to enter non-event activities (e.g., products); stay tuned –Audience surveys not yet approved (4-5 months); start using only when approved (copies will be sent to you and on workspace) –Training will be offered
News from HQ … SEPOF-CC Meeting - November 4 and 5 Focus on Year 2 Planning –Professional Development – take the survey! –Conference Coordination –Scientist engagement –Designing SMD One-Stop-Shop (better name?) –Audience-Based Working Group efforts –Product Analysis –Evaluation of Forum efforts
Year of the Solar System Get Involved pages live next week –Post events in calendar / on map –Feedback form –Investigating having an online survey of visitors 1 to 2 announcements each month; please share! Please post the YSS graphic with a link to the YSS website on your website (widget coming next week) Monthly content webinars coming soon (optional and archived) Share your ideas for the topics on the workspace (projects, missions, viewing events, resources, activities, etc.)
AGU Let Heather Dalton know if you are attending and what/when you are presenting; we will share with the Tuesday, 14 December - Community lunch and meeting 11:00-11:30 – Mingle 11:30-12:30 – Lunch 12:30-2:00 – YSS Community Plans and Collaborative Opportunities Join all or part as you can Location TBD … ideas? Separate area needed
Community Workspace Monthly tag-up notes posted Feedback wanted! internal survey coming soon Focus groups Update your profile! Bag of chocolate to the first five who initiate – and complete - their profiles ( Heather – when you have RSS Feeds
Other News from Across the Solar System?