Green River College— Pathways Planning
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs Source: Jenkins, D. (2014). Redesigning Community Colleges for Student Success Overview of Guided Pathways Approach. New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers college, Community College Research Center.
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs Source: Jenkins, D. (2014). Redesigning Community Colleges for Student Success Overview of Guided Pathways Approach. New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers college, Community College Research Center.
Students without a high school diploma may opt to continue to take courses through Transitional Studies for continual academic support and access to funding through Ability to Benefit. TS options include portfolio courses for prior learning credit as well as traditional instruction in math and language.
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs
Exploratory or Meta-Majors: Academic—Contextualized instruction in Science, Social Science, Literature & Arts Early Childhood Education—On-ramp courses to ECE Healthcare—On-ramp courses to Healthcare IBEST Options Trades—On-ramp courses to Trades (welding technology, carpentry technology, machining and manufacturing, automotive technology)
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs
Bridges to College Programs: Transitional Studies Bridge Courses Bucket (Emporium)course Clustered courses (math, English) College Readiness Course Career Exploration Financial Literacy Service Learning College Culture
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs
Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support: Master Achiever’s Center (Transition Center) Transitions Conference One-on-one advising Financial Aid Workshops Connections to wrap around services Collaborations with Workforce Education IBEST Orientations & Intake Processes Transitions to college programs
SOAR Entry Advising First Quarter Advising Education Planning Green River First Year Initiatives and Resources PASS STAR Database College Success Course Peer Mentoring Engl 099/ Integrated option Engl 081/Read 094 Study Skills FYE Initiatives Fund Multiple Measures Placement Accelerated Dev Ed Engr 100
Guided Pathways Design Features: Degree Maps Exploratory or Meta-Majors Predictable Schedules Contextualized Instruction in Foundation Skills Progress Tracking, Feedback, and Support Bridges to College Programs