One Health Activities Regional Training in Animal and Human Health Epidemiology in South Asia Sri Lanka
Collaboration activities between Public Health and Animal Health National level steering/coordination committees involving both sectors for –Avian Influenza –Rabies –Leptospirosis District level coordination committees for Rabies, Leptospirosis One health approach in graduate training
Collaboration activities between Public Health and Animal Health Established joint mechanism for –Out break investigation –Report and information sharing mechanism Joint training/teaching Collaborative Projects –Project on Wildlife Health: special attention for Zoonotic Disease. Wildlife Dept, DAPH, Ministry of Health, University of Peradeniya.
Zoonotic Disease CIP Project: With Massey University Leptospirosis, Rabies, Brucellosis MOU between MOH Epidemiology Unit and Ministry of Livestock, DAPH, Animal Health Division Increased capacity building through joint Public and Animal Health sector training conducted by Massey University Closer constant involvement between two sectors and two Universities
Currently the mechanisms are for selected diseases. Need to establish a common forum for Zoonotic Diseases in addition to existing mechanisms Need formation of a One Health Hub/ and network including regional and global interaction Need continued collaboration with existing stakeholders and partners Way Forward
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