1. SELF ASSURANCE As a young boy, aged seven in a school uniform Winston Churchill showed potential Regardless of him being bad in school from a young age Winston Churchill showed self assurance and a lot of promise that was later to be discovered
2. PERSONAL CHARACTER Courage: fought several wars Great writer and speaker: known for his abilities with words Resilience: he was known for his comebacks and to win the war not the battle. Perseverance: it was said that the death of his father motivated him to great heights
3. PATIENCE PAYS OFF Military School: after joining military school the pieces of him life started to fall into place He excelled at the military academy and showed his true potential
4. THE PAST MAKES THE FUTURE Becoming a soldier was one of the greatest achievements he had done. His strong will and witty character won him World War II and the Chair of Prime minister of Great Britain
5. IMPROVE YOURSELF EACH DAY IN THE AREAS THAT YOU FEEL WILL BRING YOU CLOSER TO SUCCESS The most important lesson to learn from Winston Churchill is that you must improve yourself in the areas in which will make you successful in life
Everyone young and old generation after generation find a positive role model in Sir Winston Churchill and his accomplishments in life. I personally learned that patience always pays off. HOW IT HAS MADE A LASTING IMPACT?
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