Igor Vasilevich Kurchatov Completed: Matyukov Artem, student 11 Class "A" Director: Nekrasov Elena Pavlovna, English teacher.
Igor Vasilevich Kurchatov Igor Kurchatov (8 (21) January February 1960) - Soviet physicist, "father" of the Soviet atomic bomb. From 1943 to 1960: founder and first director of the Institute of Atomic Energy; Chief supervisor of the nuclear problem in the USSR; one of the founders of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
Biography In 1912 his family moved to Simferopol. Family stricken, so Igor simultaneously with studies in Simferopol male breech gymnasium graduated from the evening craft school, got a locksmith profession and worked in a small mechanical factory Thyssen.
Biography In September 1920, Kurchatov entered the Tauride University in the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. By the summer of 1923, in spite of hunger and thirst, he is ahead of schedule and with great success graduated. From till , he graduated from the full eight-year course with excellent behavior and excellent marks in all subjects. But the gold medal Kurchatov has received: in war the authorities stopped issuing them.
Biography In the summer of 1924 he worked in the Hydrometeorological Center in Feodosii. Osenyu the same year he entered as an assistant at the Department of Physics of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute in Baku. In 1925, on the recommendation of Professor S.N.Usatove he became a research fellow at the Physical- Technical Institute in Leningrad under the guidance of Academician AF Ioffe.
Biography Since 1930, the head of the physical department of the Leningrad Physico- Technical Institute. His scientific work Kurchatov began to study the dielectric properties, including physical phenomenon - ferroelectricity. One of the first (in 1932) in the Soviet Union began to study nuclear physics.
Scientific activities IV. Kurchatov His scientific career began with the study of dielectric properties, including such physical phenomena as - ferroelectricity. One of the first (in 1932) in the Soviet Union began to study nuclear physics. With his direct involvement of Europe's first cyclotron was created (launched in 1937), it was at this facility began his research Kurchatov. Первая работающая модель циклотрона.
Scientific activities IV. Kurchatov In the first period of the war he developed a method of degaussing ships to protect against magnetic sea mines. Established Kurchatov and Aleksandrov "LFTI system" was established during World War II hundreds of ships and provided absolute protection from the German magnetic mines.
The development of the atomic project Kurchatov considered the founder of the Soviet atomic project, he led him from the start - 28 September 1942 until his own death.
The development of the atomic project In 1946, it was Igor V. convinced Stalin of the importance and significance of the project. After the meeting, Stalin signed about sixty documents, determined the development of nuclear science and technology. As a result, the industry has become a priority, sharply increased the standard of living of nuclear physicists.
The development of the atomic project A few years after the war led them (supervised by Beria) Soviet military nuclear program brought the first fruits: August 29, 1949 was promoted to the explosion of the RDS-1 - the first Soviet atomic bomb. RDS-1 was an aircraft bomb atomic mass 4700 kg, 1500 mm and 3300 mm.
The development of the atomic project In parallel with the decision of military problems Kurchatov led the solution of problems on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The result of the team work was the development, construction and launch of 26 June 1954 Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant. It became the world's first nuclear power plant.
Нonors Presented to the award of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. It awarded $ (in addition to the previously issued part (50%) Prize in the amount of rubles and a car ZIS-110). Awarded the title of Stalin Prize of the first degree. Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers of № , signed by Stalin, the 10/29/1949 Kurchatov:
honors In that same decision, it was decided: Build at the expense of the state and transfer the ownership of the house and the cottage-house, with the situation. Set Acad. Kurchatov IV wages shall be doubled for the duration of his work in the field of nuclear energy. Provide Acad. Kurchatov IV right (for life for him and his wife) to free travel by rail, water and air transport within the USSR.
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