Insureware is not your typical long-tail liability risk management firm. We create and support the only comprehensive, enterprise wide, long-tail liability risk management software in the world. Our flagship software, ICRFS™, is small-footprint, intuitive and graphic, very fast, rapidly implemented and hassle-free. Additional consulting services include advice on loss reserving, pricing, risk based capital, optimal capital allocation, diversification and reinsurance. Dr Ben Zehnwirth also advises on mergers and acquisitions. R&D focused More than 75% of the Insureware's expenditure is on R&D. Our methodologies are developed by our team of world-class statisticians who have published widely in preeminent statistical journals. We originated many of the ideas that the industry now aspires to. About Insureware Support & Sales & Phone: Fax: Postal address: Suite 6 & St Kilda Road St Kilda VIC AUSTRALIA 3182
Innovative statistical solutions for P&C insurance Insureware's two product families, ICRFS™ and ELRF™, are: small-footprint; intuitive and graphic; very fast; and rapidly implementable enterprise wide. ICRFS™ Software Suite
ICRFS™ Empowers actuaries to deliver critical results with confidence for: Loss reserves – including the liability stream by calendar year and variation in mean ultimate by accident year. Pricing underwriting years. Pricing reinsurance - retrospective or prospective. Assessing risk diversification credit. Sound modeling practices ensure the best estimate of the entire loss distribution is obtained each and every time. Measure the trends in the development year, accident year, and calendar year direction to provide critical insight into future losses and an early warning of any adverse trend development. Control over all forecast scenario assumptions guarantees sensitivity analysis is comprehensive. All this within an easy to use software package.
ICRFS™ Importer ICRFS™ Importer is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool which extracts data from a claims data repository and loads it into an ICRFS™ database. Connect large repositories of unit record data with ICRFS™ Extract all database variables Create triangles at any granularity for analysis Convert claims table data into loss development triangles Aggregate: Across all values of a variable By particular values Across multiple categories and values
ICRFS™ Databases Tired of wading through spreadsheets to find your data, methods, and answers? A corporate ICRFS™ database contains triangle groups and composite triangle groups with data, models, and results right at your fingertips. Composite triangle groups collate data from different triangle groups and form the base for a single composite model for the whole company. Models, forecasts, and data relevant to a LOB or segment (including notes) are associated via triangle groups providing ready access to any company data.
Measure the trends in the three time directions: development, accident, and calendar Quantify the volatility around the trends Relate all data in the triangle Verify and validate model assumptions Control all future forecast scenario assumptions: calendar year trends, development year trends, accident year trends, and volatility (parameter and process) Project distributions by cell, accident year totals, calendar year totals, and total reserve (or pricing) Understand the features of your data and provide critical insight to management. Probabilistic Trend Family modeling frameworks
Common drivers and measuring trends Correlations and their impact Long-tail liability risk profiles One composite model for the whole company Aggregate distributions for: accident year, calendar year, and totals Quantiles (percentiles), and Economic Balance Sheet and Solvency II metrics Multiple Probabilistic Trend Family modeling framework
Correlation is model dependent; there are no industry-wide correlations. Correlations are in the volatility component of a model. Common accident year and common calendar year drivers are a stronger influence than correlation. The Multiple Probabilistic Trend Family (MPTF) modeling framework allows actuaries to distinguish between: Trends Volatility Process correlation (correlation in randomness); and Parameter correlation (common drivers). These measures combine to provide estimates of the total reserve distribution including any reserve correlations. Correlations and common drivers
Solvency II One Year Risk Horizon Insureware’s one-year risk horizon solution for long-tail liabilities is: Tractable; Ensures adequate capital is available to restore the Economic Balance Sheet should the first calendar year be in distress; Distress is defined within the context of the model and forecast scenario; and Allocates capital to each calendar year according to the actual capital requirements and not based on the principle of proportionality.
Pricing: Segments, Layers, and Reinsurance ICRFS™ is an effective tool for assessing and pricing risk. Applications include: Pricing future underwriting years - single and multiple segments; Assessing capital efficiency of outward reinsurance; Selecting optimal layers as outward reinsurance structures; Pricing high severity / low frequency layers; Assessing prospective and retrospective adverse development cover; Protection against adverse calendar year trends.
The ELRF module formulates link ratio methods as regression estimators and extends them. Methods include: Mack (regression formulation of volume weighted average, chain ladder); Exclusion of whole periods or individual points from estimations; Murphy; Bornhuetter-Ferguson; and Much more! Within an interactive, intuitive, graphical interface. Link ratio techniques: Volume weighted average, Chain ladder; Arithmetic average; Last N diagonal weighted average; Two parameter smoothing; Three parameter smoothing; Bornhuetter-Ferguson; and Much more Link ratios, Mack, Murphy, Over-dispersed Poisson and the bootstrap technique
Empowered with this application you will obtain: Offline access to Schedule P long-tail liability lines and derived financial metrics Pre-calculated critical financial information including: Reserves Held, %IBNR, Total Loss Ratio, Survival Ratios, and more! Drill down by classification variables and sort metrics to glean hidden insights All available Schedule P loss development arrays Additional Reserves Held and Ultimates Held triangles (where they can be calculated) All analytical tools included in ELRF™ Construct a complete picture of a company’s reported liabilities, their holdings, and their financial positioning in the industry. This application is free with a Best’s Schedule P subscription. ELRF Best’s Schedule P Exclusive to Best's Schedule P subscribers
To find out more please contact us at the addresses / phone numbers listed here, or via the online form on the Insureware website. We look forward to hearing from you! Insureware Pty Ltd Support & Sales & Phone: Fax: Postal address: Suite 6 & St Kilda Road St Kilda VIC AUSTRALIA 3182