Structural Possibilities: Yunus-Hubs (hub-net, mit, singfrorhope centres dancom nations, Y&Y 2020 good news vision-actioned UK specials: utime bbc entrepreneurs’ youth SB franchises and local dens; preolympic year builds up to transformation fit for queen’s life mission } Cameron’s Dormant Accounts: Key first white paper agreement yunus/cameron JRobinson:Hub Leads to social business funds experiments in 40 youth centres already offered by government; Mediation involvement of many BBC entrepreneurial reality tv shows, entrepreneurs ADuffilUtime Build up of Olympics year to royals week before olympics celebrating youth progress of jobs : sustainability, commonwealth Much of this Youth Regeneration model can transfer across Europe –eg Q.Sofia Spain, MRobinson Ireland, Sarkozi France, Prodi Italy and possibly USA- confirming Yunus as 2010s number 1 pro-youth economist. Synergies with twin future capital portals:Danone communities sing for hope; 7&Knowledge publications and journal of social business: Knowledge publications connect yunusworld50 funders, 300 good news correspondents and ll hi-trust leaders Yunus has met on his 35 year journey to help peoples end poverty Worlds Green Social Business Stockmarket Q why compound 30 year investing carbon-nuclear, not green ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yunus & letter to emperor of Japan –economics of green net Future history he & dad valued in 80s Sarah – Prince Charles & BBC Paul Rose- Ashden out of UK Yunus Shakti Bangladesh- Neville Williams Cluster DC, MIT Open Demand by British ministers: Bangla’s Climate Change solutions Presumably Japanese emperor- biggest clean up food chain Bangladeshi people- biggest population to be drowned by warming Unique Time is Now role of BBC world service: dialogues on 30 year investments that took wrong crossroads for www youth’s futures Phase 1 make a market anyone green feels they must share open community replicable experiences Phase 2 replace carbon and nuclear with national investments in photosynthesis With Japan’s desperate need now when will race to end climate disaster start as a worldwide joy of youth fund if not with Yunus& Link to SMBA and arguments that markets are not free if they don’t value compounding human sustainability- all macroeconomics is flawed when conflicts with natures self-organising and open. Green is paradigm case for all open source and above zero sum models that make 2010s most exciting decade Deep Intelligence advice on next 11 quarters to 2013 in Bangladesh to DFID, JICA thence via sam USAID Yunus already highly valued by UK minister of development; opportunities to linkin with Sarkozy G25 idea; across world need is to integrate youth jobs revolution in public-private partnership- see Mostofa leaflet: constitutional research cf walter bagehot economic reform of constitution Develop Y certification: microcredits, SBs, sub-hub teams eg african one connecting hub-google-jamii bora … links to obama’s wishes to presidential summit :west-east hemi African and southern hemi Overall Yunus as Youth‘s Number 1 Economist will only be fully valued when linked to world’s largest investment fund in youth, exciting 2010s of net generation. Vision of Bangladesh as sustainability world’s partner in asia pacific www century with investments in trust of poorest and youth’s futures – future capital partner offices of Yunus can quickly multiply assuming sarah is partner with deep knowledge, access to royals and those with most to invest in youth- also connections through both bbc and financial media including family owners of Economist Compatible Norman Macrae Resources : 40 years at The Economist; 1984 optimism path of netgen to 2024; EntrepreneurialRevolution –also years at The Economistpath of netgen to 2024http://erworld.tv