Chapter 1 The Meeting of Cultures
How many Native Americans were there in 1492? We don’t know for sure Historians disagree Estimates range from million
Why are historians unable to come to an agreement? There are no written records on population and the natives were devastated by disease before Europeans had contact with most natives
Natives of the South
The Aztecs, Mayas and Incas all had cities and were agriculture based economies What will the economies of the European settlers be based on?
Mayan ruins in Belize
Inca ruins at Machu Picchu
Aztec ruins
Natives of the North Not large empire as in the South Some utilized : hunting/gathering/fishing Most groups: agriculture
Geography had great impact on economics and lifestyle Large game hunters had to move Pacific coast tribes based on salmon fishing built permanent settlements Southwest tribes used irrigation on dry lands
Eastern Woodland Indians Primarily agricultural This allowed many to be settled Some moved due to overproduction of land
Groups were linked by common linguistic roots The largest Algic or Algonquin Spoken from East coast to Rockies by 30 different sub-groups
The most elaborately organized group was the Iroquois Confederation Seneca Onondaga Oneida Cayuga Mohawk
Like other people around the world religion was tied to the natural world Natives often had gods associated with crops, game and weather
Work was often divided by gender, but not all tribes divided the same way All tribes had women care for children, cook and gather certain foods All tribes had men do the hunting, clear land and fight
Some tribes had the men do the farming: Pueblos Others had the women farm: Algonquin, Iroquois, Muskogee
Men could be gone for extended periods for hunting or war Since the women were always around they often controlled the social and economic organization for a band
Why does Europe expand? 1. Countries are getting more united under a stronger government 2. Trade= $ $ = POWER
Trade means profit for both the individual and the country
From the crusades and adventurers like Marco polo the West knew of exotic goods like spices and silk Marco
Overland trade route was limited by its length and was dominate by the Italians
The first to search for a new route were the Portuguese who go around Africa
Columbus sails for Spain and tries a new route
3 Stages of the Spanish Empire 1.Discovery and Exploration 2.Age of Conquistadores 3.Organization of colonies
Conquistadores did very well- Spanish America produced 10 times the amount of gold and silver from as the rest of the world
After the conquistadores came, others set up for profit agricultural society and wanted to establish European civilization
The Church plays a big part in spreading European culture when the Jesuits come Why do they come? Reformation
Catholic missions established all through the empire
The first settlement in what is now the U.S. was St. Augustine in Florida A more successful effort was started in 1598 in the southwest (New Mexico)– inhabited by the Pueblo Indians
Spanish used Encomienda – licenses to force natives to perform labor and give tribute What European system is this based on? Feudalism
Bartolome Las Casas Juan de Sepulveda
Tension are calmed when: Spanish use less harsh methods Church is successful in converting natives
By 1680 there are 2000 Spanish and 30,000 Pueblo Economy based around cattle and sheep
While many natives have converted, they still follow some traditional religious practices When Catholic priests attempt to stop this, the natives rise up and drive the Spanish out of Santa Fe Pueblo Revolt 1680
Spain returns in 1696 and gets control back Change tactics to keep natives in line 1.Assimilate Indians * baptize Indian children at birth * enforce Catholic rituals but look other way at Indian religion
2. Allow Indians to own land and stop forcing labor By 1750 there are 4000 Spanish and 13,000 Pueblo Why?
Spanish empire was top-down in structure The crown had control and colonists has no real input in government
Economics were based on for profit enterprises especially mining and plantations Spain does not worry about fostering trade or food production
The tight control and regulation of the crown restricted economic development Example: limited the number of ports that could be used
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE The Columbian Exchange was the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, diseases, technology and ideas between the Americas and Europe following the voyage to the Americas by Columbus in 1492,
What had the greatest impact from this exchange? Disease
Diseases such as measles, influenza and especially small pox had devastating effect on natives Hardest hit were the islands and isolated areas Hispaniola is estimated to have lost 99% of its population
Disease mixed with the conquistador policy of subjugation and extermination resulted in a dramtic decline in population
Another result was a mixing of the culture as a result of the attempt to restrict(crush) native culture and the spread of Christianity
As Spanish men outnumbered women there were mixed marriages The children were known as mestizo Casta System established
Each side received new crops and livestock Europeans brought: sugar, banana, cattle, pigs, sheep and horses Got: corn squash, potato, tomato and beans
Indians were the primary labor source at first With disease killing so many there was a need to find a new source This is especially important on the islands
The solution to this for Spain was the African slave trade Dominated at first by the Portuguese and later by the Dutch
Escaped slave attempt to set up free settlements called Maroon Communities found in Central and South America and the Caribbean