Status and Future Perspective of the HIE-ISOLDE Project CERN, November 19-20, 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Status and Future Perspective of the HIE-ISOLDE Project CERN, November 19-20, 2012

OUTLINE 2  Scope of HIE-ISOLDE  Upgrade of ISOLDE Facility: HIE-ISOLDE  R&D Activities  Outlook for 2012

ISOLDE: the ISOL-type RIB facility at CERN 3 Pulsed 1.4 GeV Proton beam Courtesy D. Voulot

4 Courtesy F. Wenander

Motivation 5 The High Intensity and Energy (HIE) ISOLDE project builds on the success of the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator and will focus on the upgrade of the REX facility but also aims to improve the target and front-end part of ISOLDE to fully profit from upgrades of the existing CERN proton injectors (LINAC4 and PSB Upgrade): Higher energy for the post-accelerated radioactive beam More beams (Intensity wise and different species) Better beams (High purity beams, low emittances, more flexibility in the beam parameters)

HIE-ISOLDE aims at increasing the energy of these RIB up to 10A MeV and their intensity by a factor 10 6 Energy Upgrade: The HIE-ISOLDE project concentrates on the construction of the SC LINAC and associated infrastructure in order to upgrade the energy of the post- accelerated radioactive ion beams to 5.5 MeV/u in 2015 and 10 MeV/u by 2016 Intensity Upgrade: The design study for the intensity upgrade, also part of HIE-ISOLDE, starts in 2012, and addresses the technical feasibility and cost estimate for operating the facility at 15 kW once LINAC4 and PS Booster are online.

NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010 Timeline for RIB Facilities 7

Superconducting LINAC installed in Three Phases 8 3 stages installation 1.2 MeV/u 3 MeV/u 5.5 MeV/u 10 MeV/u Now >2017


R&D activities (2008 – 2011) 10

Proposed stage 1 HEBT layout

Latest HEBT design – stage 2b All details on EDMS (HIE-ISOLDE/HEBT LINES OPTICS AND LAYOUT)  Drawings, layout tables and (new) madx reference optics files

Planning 13 ? ?

14 Civil Engineering Compressor and Cold Box Building Civil Engineering finished summer 2012 Autumn 2012 !

B. 170 B. 198 B. 199 Racks sub systems Electrical systems: Oct 2012 – June 2013

16 Cooling & Ventilation Cooling & Ventilation: Oct 2012 – June 2013 B. 199 cold box building B. 198 compressor building Experimental hall 170

17 Modular Linac & Cryo Line Courtesy: Stephane Maridor Cryo Cold Line- stage 1: January 2014 – June MeV/u Linac CM 1&2 - stage 1: August 2014 – October 2014 Sep 2014 – Feb 2015

18 Cryo Cold Line- stage 2 Modular Cryo Line Linac CM High-β 1,2,3&4 - stage 2a Courtesy: Stephane Maridor 2016 ? 10MeV/u

19 Cryo Cold Line- stage 2 Modular Cryo Line Courtesy: Stephane Maridor  2017 ? Linac CM High-β 1,2,3 & 4, Low-β 1&2 - stage 2b Chopper Line and Chopper Line

Call for Letters of Intent (deadline May ) 34 Letters submitted 284 Participants from 76 Laboratories in 22 Countries 30 LOIs make use of the Energy and Intensity increases; 4 of the intensity upgrade only Major mechanisms are Coulex (13) and transfer(16); elastic scattering(3); fission(2) (3) letters concern masses and moments; (4) astrophysics and (5) major new instrumentation Major subjects: Nuclear shapes ; Shell evolution; Halo properties; Nuclear astrophysics

Miniball + T-REX Segmented Ge array Inner Si-strip detection for charged particles (T-REX) No show stopping beam requirements but would benefit from slow extraction and buncher/chopper setup Geometrical properties Energy properties (FWHM values) Timing Power MINIBALL (+general purpose reaction chamber) <3mrad mm FWHM diameter (at MeV/u energy)* En. Spread: <1e-3 En. Accuracy: <1% En. Stability: ? Would profit from microstructure required by HELIOS About 26 kW

Helios Solenoid for transfer reactions Needs buncher/chopper for TOF measurement with 2 ns resolution setup Geometrical properties Energy properties (FWHM values) TimingPower HELIOS 3mrad + 5mm FWHM diameter at 5-10 MeV/u En. Spread: <1e-3 En. Accuracy: <1% En. Stability: Important (for 10MeV/u): resolution <2ns on target repetition rate: 1/100 ns no background (<1% acceptable) below 25 kW

ACTAR Active target for resonant scattering and transfer reactions Allows to measure with very low intensities setup Geometrical properties Energy properties (FWHM values) TimingPower ACTAR (input: R. Raabe) <2 mrad + 3mm FWHM diameter at 5-10 MeV/u* En. Spread: <1e-2 En. Accuracy: En. Stability: About 25 kW


OUTLOOK 25  Civil Engineering Works completed  Installation of Main Services (EL, CV, others)  Decision on the procurement of Cryogenic Plant (FC Dec. 2012)  Ready to launch procurement of first batch of high-beta cavities => via CATE + others  Ready to launch procurement of CM1 and CM2 => via CATE  Ready to launch procurement of HEBT phase-1  Cost and Schedule Review (22-23 Nov. 2012)

26 Thank you HIE-ISOLDE web site -> CATHI-ITN web site ->

Acknowledgements The ISOLDE Collaboration The HIE-ISOLDE Project Team and groups within CERN Accelerator and Technology Sector The Swedish Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW ) The Belgian Big Science program of the FWO (Research Foundation Flanders) and the Research Council K.U. Leuven The CATHI Marie Curie Initial Training Network: EU-FP7- PEOPLE-2010-ITN Project number The Spanish Programme “Industry for Science” from CDTI 27

HIE-ISOLDE Project 1. Project Management 2. Linac Systems 4. Installation & Commissioning 4. Installation & Commissioning 3. Infrastructure & Integration 3. Infrastructure & Integration 8.3 Access System GS/ASE 8.2 Radioprotection DG/SCR HIE-LINAC Design Study 5. Target Study 6. Target Area and Class-A Lab Integration 7. Injection & Beam distribution 8.4 Access System GS/ASE 8. Safety 2.1 Cavity RF BE/RF 2.2 Cavity Design manufacturing EN/MME TE/VSC 2.3 Beam dynamics BE/RF-ABP 2.4 Cryomodules TE/MSC EN/MME 2.5 Beam Instrumentations BE/BI 2.6 SC Solenoid TE/MSC 2.7 Beam transfer line (magnets) TE/MSC 2.8 Linac Integration EN/MEF 2.9 Vacuum TE/VCS 2.10 Survey BE/ABP 3.4 Electrical systems EN/EL 3.5 Cryogenic system TE/CRG 3.6 Power converters TE/EPC 3.7 Industrial Control system EN/ICE 4.1 Single cavity test BE/RF 4.2 Cryomodule test BE/RF 4.3 Transport & Handling EN/HE 3.8 Beam Control system BE/CO 5.1 Target design EN/STI-HE 5.2 Front Ends EN/STI TE/EPC-ABT 5.3 Beam Diagnostics BE/BI 6.1 Layout upgrade EN/MEF 6.2 Cooling and ventilation EN/CV 6.3 Electrical systems EN/EL 6.4 Vacuum TE/VCS 6.5 Survey BE/ABP 6.6 Civil engineering GS/SEM 6.7 LL Control system EN/STI 7.1 Off line separator EN/STI 7.2 Separator areas EN/STI 7.3 Experiment Hall EN/MEF 7.4 Beam lines BE/ABP Steering Committee International Advisory Panel 8.1 Safety Coordinator GS/DI 3.1 Civil Engineering GS/SEM 3.2 Integration EN/MEF 3.3 Cooling ventilation EN/CV 3.9 Interlocks TE/MPE 4.4 Planning & Installation EN/MEF 4.5 Linac commissioning BE/RF-OP 1.1 Project Leader – Y. Kadi (EN/HDO) 1.2 Project Safety Coordinator – A.P. Bernardes 1.3 Technical Coordinator – M. Pasini BE/RF 1.4 Design Study Coordinator–R.Catherall EN/STI 1.5 Budget and Planning – E.Delachenal EN/GMS 1.6 Administration – E. Cochet EN/GMS Work Breakdown Structure

Acknowledgements 29 International Collaboration I. Goulas International Advisory Panel A. Bracco Steering Committee M. Huyse Physics Coordination Maria Garcia-Borge Linac System W. Venturinia Design Study R. Catherall Safety A.P. Bernardes Safety Working Group Design Study Working Group Linac Commissio ning Working Group Cryo- modules Working Group RF Accelerati ng Working Group Beam Dynamics Working Group Technical Coordination Y. Kadi Project Management Y. Kadi Infrastruct ure & Integration Working Group Infrastruct ure & Integration E. Siesling High- Energy Beam Transfer WG Physics Working Group

Research Training Themes Addressed by the CATHI Proposal (56 FTE over 4 years) Y. Kadi HIE-ISOLDE Proposal, IEFC, August 21, 2009 HIE-ISOLDE General Meeting, 19 March