D-cinema Digital Cinema System : Presentation, analysis, and open source perspectives RMLL 2010, july 8 th Copyright Nicolas Bertrand CC-by-nc-sa Schematics from Digital Cinema System Specification Version 1.2 March 07, 2008
Introduction Solution to replace 35 mm copies Transition to full digital : production, distribution, projection In France( June 2010) : 2000 screens No international norm DCI norm, started in 2005, last version : 2008
DCI Digital Cinema Initiative : created by 7 Majors (Disney, Fox, MGM, Paramount, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros) Work on D-cinema norm : Digital Cinema System Specification DCI is not an international norm authority. Managed now by SMTPE
D-cinema : overview 4 Major concepts : Digital Master : DCDM ( Digital Cinema Distribution Master ) Digital Package copy : DCP (Digital Cinema Package) Theater systems and projection Security
DCDM : Digital Master Image Format : TIFF Format 2K movie ~ 2 To 4K movie~ 8 To 'Reels' : 10 to 20 min Audio Format : WAV 24 bits 48 / 96 kHz 16 channels Subtitles / accessibility incrustation Png file Xml file
From DCDM to DCP
COMPRESSION Image compression JPEG 2000 Make movie transport easier 2K movie ~ 235 Gb Allow generation of DCDM* identical to DCDM No compression for : Audio, subtitles, accessibility
DCP :: Fundamentals DCP : Digital Cinema Packaging Open Standard → license free Scalable → any number of essence Secure → file integrity and business engagment Identity → UUID
DCP :: Track and CPL Track file Basic element (image, audio, subtitle, meta- data) KLV coding protocol Composition Play List Post Production. Assemble a complete composition
DCP :: Packing list Final element in packaging Information and identifications about each files in DCP
DCP :: Show Play List Done at exhibition site, created from Composition play list
DCP :: Examples Can contain a complete composition a set of compositions tracks to update ( audio, subtitles) a single track
KDM Key Delivery Message = DRM for cinema Key generated between a DCP and a MB (Media Block = projection system) Contains business information. Like time window for showing the content.
TRANSPORT DCP : Hard drive Satellite : ~ 6h Network ADSL : from 24h to 48h Optic fiber : ~ 3h KDM transmitted separately
Theater systems Architecture & Projection
Single Screen Architecture
Multiplex Architecture
Remarks MTBF of hours for an equipment Theater network shall be secure : authenticate equipments establish secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1 couple MB/Projector by screen Logging subsystem Log projection and security events
PROJECTION Change digital image data into light Inter-operable 2K and 4k projectors DLP Processor Forensic Marking Interface with MB : Link HD-SDI
SECURTIY Main goals : Content Protection and Piracy Prevention Control projection Rights Owner 3 levels : Encryption / KDM Theater security management Forensic marking, anti-camcorder ( optional)
Who is in the place ? Norms : DCS / SMTPE, AFNOR, EDCF DCDM et DCP : Dorémi, Dolby, kodak, Projectors : Christie, Sony, Barco Third-party investor : Arts Alliance, Ymagis, XDC Transport : SmartJog, Globecast, OpenCube KDM, SMS, TMS : Cinego, Dvidea
Observations DCI specification designed for entertainment cinema. D-cinema System Complexity not adapted for small / independent cinema Projectionists : RIP Nothing about film preservation DCI specification describe also diffusion of alternative content. ( Ads, Live show, …) SMPTE norms not public
What about open source ? Edcine ( Research group on digital cinema) issued a European Digital Cinema White Book. Recommandation #6 : Promote, encourage and support open-source developments providing the necessary tools for small-budget distributors to participate in the digital cinema chain. These tools should provide content encryption and packaging, KDM generation and delivery, and log aggregation and retrieval.
Known state Server constructor, tools for DCDM and DCP : Mostly under Linux, but not free Existing Initiatives : Open Cinema tools, OpenJpeg, FreeMxf Lack of activities and development.
D- Cinema and Open source Provide mastering tools ( DCDM and DCP generation) Provide SMS / TMS for theaters Provide several level of security DCP exchange
Open Source :: Distributors Simple DCDM / DCP creation for distributors with or without KDM Create DCP not only from DCDM Mpeg2 or HD movie for example
Open Source : Theaters Simple SMS and TMS for DCP handling With or without security key management Open Hardware for MB and projectors ?
Open source :: DCP exchange DCP exchange via P2P ? Transfer via VPN ? Generic interface ( web) for DCP exchange ? Global DCP database
CONCLUSION Keep independent cinema alive ! ( or more ) Community help for independent cinema Create an open D-cinema initiative Discussion for SW and HW architecture. Promote D-cinema initiatives talk with D-cinema actors