ALL ABOUT CANDEE EDGAR EDU692: Creativity Culture and Global Contexts in Education Decision Making (MRZ1444B) Instructor Robert Voekel October 29, 2014
My Background Hi Everyone! My name is Candee Edgar I am a 29 year old (hitting 30 soon) Female from Southeast Texas who has resided in Los Angeles Ca since I was 19 years old. My Background is wildly different from my present. I have actually adopted a new culture because I married into it and I want my 5 year old son to be a part of his dad’s culture. The language, the religion, the traditions, the characteristics and most importantly the food!!!!
Demographics and Education History from High Island, Texas Small town with population of around 450 Single mom, also an educator, of three kids. (Me being the youngest) Lower Middle class Poverty stricken town Attended K-12 Public School “I grew up as the smallest of a family of three to a single mom, also an educator, middle class in a very small town in Southeast Texas with a population of only around 400 people. My mom is from French descent and my biological father was adopted. I’d have to say that my family structure was a tad dysfunctional. Hey whose family doesn’t have problems though?! There was a K – 12 grade public school in my town (the only school that 3 different towns attended) and socioeconomically the area is a little poverty stricken. My mom happened to be middle class but most of my friends weren’t. I attended school all 13 years at the same place having my mom as my teacher 4 times throughout those years.”
My Diagnosis….. When I was 12 I was diagnosed with something called a cavernous angioma of the brainstem and it had to be resected as I had lost the ability to use my motor skills. It was during the next year of living in the hospital and then a rehab Facility in Houston Texas that I changed my perspective on my life and my brain kicked in to overdrive. All of a sudden I felt that anything was possible. Before this moment I never wanted to move away from home and didn’t have very outrageous dreams and expectations of myself. Now I wanted to get to the age of 18 and move to Los Angeles to become an actress. This disability didn’t ever hindered me it has only pushed me farther than I would ever imagine.
Chase Your Dreams… I went through the next 5 years with a few problems after the surgery. A stroke when I was 18 set me back from moving to Los Angeles for another year. When I got here I attended acting school and finished and realized I loved it here but that just wasn’t the profession for me. I fell into the fitness industry managing gyms and then I met my husband and had my son.
My Family…
My husband is from the country of Armenia, and has a very big family as well as they all speak another language and all live here in Los Angeles. I have learned to be a true Armenian wife. I can cook traditional Armenian food, speak and understand most Armenian, and treat my husband just as an Armenian girl is taught to do. As I embarked on a new life with him and my son was born, shortly after I had another hemorrhage that required me to have to have another brain surgery. When my son was 6 months I went into the hospital once again. This time I didn’t fully bounce back. I don’t have full use of my right side and am now left hand but thank god every day that I am here.
My Hobbies Traveling! We are all foodies! Exercising! (Mostly Spinning) Family! Learning!
I have quit working but the past few years I have felt really great so I decided to return to school to get my Masters in education and hopefully as my son gets a little older and things get a little calmer I can return to the profession of Education. My son really showed me a true passion for teaching that must run in my blood! I have been inspired since he was born to teach him everything I know. The fact that he grew up learning two languages inspired me to focus my Bachelors degree that I earned from Ashford in English as a second Language. I aspire to teach 3 rd or 4 th grade. Not only do I have a passion for teaching but I have a passion for learning. I am a lifelong learner and wouldn’t change that for the world. I look forward to spending the next 6 weeks with you all!!