1 Company Name / Logo
2 A Short Guide 1.Use a standard font size across the presentation 2.Keep word count on each slide to a minimum 3.Use graphics/pictures to tell the story where possible 4.Ensure that the slide title reflects content and key message 5.Any queries you may have about this plan and how best to use it should be directed to Dublin Business Innovation Centre (Dublin BIC) at ***Please delete this before saving or printing your presentation
Company Name / Logo 3 This is the Introduction to your company. Use your logo and simple tagline to briefly explain what you do. A strong first impression will stand to you. +Tagline
4 Vision This is the elevator pitch – What is your vision for the future. In 15 to 20 seconds convey a sense of excitement. Use your positioning line to convey your mission and vision. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Have a look at this reference on building vision and mission
5 Problem to be Solved /Opportunity to Seize Describe the problem you are solving. The issue you are addressing. Can you measure the impact if you can solve this problem? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Value Proposition 6 Describe clearly what your product does. Describe the value proposition and benefits. What is the initial go-to-market product? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Technology Overview 7 Describe current stage of development, Beta, MVP, Pilot etc. Technical milestones, platforms, innovation, ownership, IP, etc. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Progress 8 Describe what progress you have made to date. What customers have you got? What does the sales pipeline look like? Give information on customers acquired, revenue generated, etc. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Market Overview 9 Describe in bottom-up detail the market size you will be addressing - target markets, size, geography. Speak about the segments you will be targeting, the share you are looking to capture and from where you will take this share. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Competitive Positioning 10 Describe your value proposition in the context of the competitive market. Who are your customers? What are they currently using to address the issue you will resolve? Who are the competitors in both direct and in adjacent markets? What are the barriers to entry and how will you defend your position? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Have a look at this reference on what is a value proposition
Marketing and Sales 11 Describe your business & revenue models. Describe the market entry and distribution strategy. What are the key segments/customers for your product? What does the wider roll- out plan and timeline look like? Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Team 12 Introduce the key people on the team, provide background on the key promoters including relevant experience relating to sector or start-up. Use picture and brief bio (2 /3 lines). Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Financials and Funding 13 Insert summary financials (See Appendix 1 for suggested layout and some reference material). State investment required and how you will spend the funds. Describe your proposed exit strategy. Point 1 Point 2 Point A good reference site on start-up finances to build your knowledge
Closing Summary 14 Closing summary of 2 to 3 points to recap on the opportunity. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
15 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Revenue Cost of Sales Gross Margin Gross Margin % Operating Expenditure EBITDA EBITDA % Headcount Appendix 1: Financial Table - A good reference site on start-up finances to build your knowledge
Appendix 2: Reference Material To Help You Prepare Your Deck 16 The 10 pieces to a successful pitch deck Guy Kawaasaki – Make a great pitch 10 Slides For A Perfect Startup Pitch Deck Nathan Gold – A general site on preparing for a pitch Forbes on the perfect Pitch deck