New Tech Network Literacy Series LOOKING AT STUDENT WORK Improving Literacy Instruction by Examining Student Work and Calibrating Assessment
This slide deck was developed by New Tech Network to support the implementation of professional development workshops. It is one of a three part series on best practices for improving teachers’ ability to meet the goals articulated in the Common Core State Standards for literacy. Use of this slide deck and accompanying materials is subject to Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license which means that people can use our materials, must give appropriate credit, and indicate if any changes have been made. You may not use the material for any commercial purpose. And you must re-share any adaptations under the same kind of license. We invite you to edit this resource as appropriate to meet your needs as long as appropriate attribution is provided.
College Readiness Defined
Literacy Goals of Common Core Standards 1.Grappling with Complex Texts - Ensuring students are prepared to handle the growing complexity of text found in college, career, and daily life. 2.Using Text as Evidence - Ensuring students can cite evidence to support positions and present careful analyses, well- defended claims, and clear information. 3.Building Knowledge Through Text - Ensuring students can build content knowledge through text from different disciplines and develop the reading and writing skills needed to learn independently.
How do we ensure our students are “prepared” using Project Based Learning? Focus Question
Three Essential Components Looking at Student Work Rigorous, External Standards Individual Written Assessments of Knowledge
Let’s Get Familiar With the Task and Rubric Review the Rubric What skills and knowledge is the rubric focused on? What would you be looking for in a “proficient” example of student work? Review the Task What rubric dimensions does the task elicit? What rubric dimensions might not be represented in the task? What would you expect to see in student work as evidence of these dimensions?
Key Learning Partners SCALE designs and develops performance assessment products and solutions for states, districts and educational foundations. They are rubric experts- designing rubrics and holding trainings for organizations from EPIC, to the Hewlett Foundation’s Deeper Learning Partners (including NTN) and beyond.
Principles of Scoring Which principles seem especially important moving into scoring? Which will you try to remember as you score?
Scoring Student Work Protocol Score student work individually- be sure to highlight, underline, or otherwise note evidence (~ 20 min) Share scores (~ 5 min) Discuss one dimension with a range of scores (~ 20 min) Discuss how you would change the task (if at all) based on what you saw in student work (~ 10 min) Discuss next steps for this student (~ 5 min) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
Reflecting on Scoring What rubric scoring principles seem especially important now, after practicing scoring? What questions did this process raise for you? How does Looking at Student Work help you assess your students’ trajectory towards college readiness skills such as the Common Core Standards?