Spill Reports: 206 reports received Amount Spilled: 19,240 gals Federally Funded Projects: 8 OSLTF Projects Response Team Dispatched: 26 times
WHAT HAPPENED:SIGNIFICANCE: Vessel was being towed (dead ship) by 14 FT skiff when it ran aground and subsequently sank at the next high tide near Brinnon, WA WA Ecology, U.S. Coast Guard, WA Department of Health and WA Department of Natural Resources participated in a town hall meeting Owner was unable to satisfy Captain of the Port requirements of submitting a safe salvage plan Department of Natural Resources seized custody of the vessel and removed the vessel on 28OCT14 Outstanding multi-agency response and coordination ESA Consultation (Section 7) Local community extremely concerned about the spill and impacts Private property owner finally got the vessel removed from her land
WHAT HAPPENED:SIGNIFICANCE: Vessel ran aground in Swinomish Channel and owner was arrested for BUI. Vessel had a shaft packing seal failure and oily bilge water was being discharged into the waterway. Used OSLTF to conduct initial response/mitigation of fuel spill Estimated 150 gals of diesel fuel onboard Estimated 5 gallons of oily bilge discharged Global Diving Salvage placed boom and absorbent around the vessel. Owner was released later that day and came back to the vessel, secured bilge pumps, and removed oily waste from the bilges Known history of violations
WHAT HAPPENED:SIGNIFICANCE: Vessel was found adrift, near Sinclair Inlet, in rough conditions and was in danger of running aground Used OSLTF to hire local tug to tow the vessel Unknown potential onboard. Vessel was at risk of running aground in the vicinity of Bremerton Ferry Terminal. Vessel was successfully secured by tug to a mooring buoy. No owner was known at the time of the incident
WHAT HAPPENED:SIGNIFICANCE: Vessel ran aground at Marrowstone Point Estimated 100 gallons of diesel fuel onboard Used OSLTF to conduct response/mitigation of fuel spill Owner was unable to mitigate the pollution threat 150 gallons of Diesel fuel removed No pollution to the waterway