Presenters: Promoting Regulatory Excellence Catherine Dower, Center for the Health Professions, University of California, San Francisco Jan Robinson, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario CLEAR Awards Presentation 2011
Professional Regulation Current Trends in Reacting to Trends in EvolvingLeading
“Experiences confirm that when the self regulating profession confuses the public interest with the self interest of the profession, trust is lost and the profession runs the risk of imposed solutions.” (Canada)
“Regulators took too long to develop mobility agreements. They have been crippling the national economy.” (Australia)
“Right now we have an inappropriate tolerance for aberrant conduct and deviant practice. This culture of deference serves us poorly.” (Canada)
“Do we need a Board for both barbers and cosmetology? Maybe they could be combined or maybe the health inspection program could serve the public purpose?” (Nevada)
“There has been no attempt to be strategic regarding the place of professional regulation in modern health. What about the changing nature of healthcare and of professionals, of new societal expectations of accountability, of innovation and learning in regulation?” (BMJ)
“Occupations prefer to be licensed because they can restrict competition and obtain higher wages.” (Wisconsin)
“In order to increase jobs in this state, it is imperative that we reduce the licensure and regulatory burden… while of course ensuring health and safety.” (Florida)
“Economics, and competition analysis need to be the new literacy for professional regulators.” (Canada)
“State medical boards have failed to discipline 55 percent of the nation’s doctors who were sanctioned by the hospitals where they worked” (Washington Post)
“Regulation must not only work, it must be seen and believed to work.” (Australia)
“We need to strike the right balance between professional independence, regulation and consumerism.” (Ireland)
Role of a Regulatory Board
“The Social Contract”
An Industry or an Instrument?
Public Expectations
Stepping up to the Plate laser focused on mandate governance excellence accountable member engagement defensible decisions evaluation
Open Forum