Left Brain-Right Brain Analysis Presented by: Ayush Kaushal
Left Brain-Right Brain This piece was featured in an ad for Mercedes Benz in 2011 It was created by Shalmor Avnon Amichay The main theme of this piece is that both sides are equal no matter what perks they both might have.
Character The left side of the brain has thin lines (1) The right side has more variety of thick and thin strokes that go off the brain (2) The code on the left contrasts to the doodles on the right (3) The bicycle on the right top corner shows imagination (4)
Character continued The upside down stairs aren't possible (1) On the left it says “ I am a Scientist. A Mathematician” (2) The deformed bird on the right side isn't real (3) 3 2 1
Character continued “Left” is typed (1) “Right” is written in cursive (2) On the right side “Brain” is written with small tips on the ends of the letters 1 2 3
Color The left side is in black and white The right side has a variation of random color The splotches on the right are random and spontaneous (1) The orange small splotches on the left side (2) 2 1
Color Big bright strokes represent happiness The blue on the right side represents sadness (1) 1
Light Both sides of the brain are equally lit so that mean they are both important The whole picture is lit up except for the shadows at the bottom (1) 1
Angle The angle is from the top and everything is seen
Proportion They are both the same in size (1) 1
Placement Strokes on the right represent imagination (1) Codes on left represent how much humans can think (2) 2 1
Setting The background of the image could be a piece of paper where both sides of the brain can create things (1) 1
Overall Message Left brain is organization and numbers Right brain is creativity Both sides of the brain are equal in all aspects
CCLAPPS ANALYSIS Character- The brain in the picture is shown as 2 halves, the right half and the left half. The left brain is a lot more organized and coordinated than the right brain. For example, the left brain has thin lines on the brain that are very exact with no variation. Numbers are the most exact way someone can represent something due to its infinite length. The code in the background also shows that it is very exact and precise. Also in the description under left brain it says, “I am the scientist. A mathematician.” This also shows why they have the repeated use of numbers in the background; also we know that the code can only give an exact statement. The code gives commands and in a certain way that only the left side of the brain can understand. Where it says left brain you can see that it is typed in a standard font with nothing abnormal about it. Unlike the code on the left, the right side of the brain has no organization and this supports the idea of how organized and exact the left brain is. On the other hand, the right brain is very different instead of it being organized it is the exact opposite. The strokes aren’t organized, some parts have thick strokes, some have thin, and at some places there are splatters while at others there aren’t. This show that the right side of the brain is very random and innovative as it just comes up with anything no matter what it is. Unlike the typed font on the left, the way they wrote, “Right” was in cursive that expresses creativity and imagination. The word “brain” has tips on the ends of the letters showing creativity again. Also in the right top corner of the right brain there is a doodle of a bicycle and it is pointed away from the brain symbolizing that imagination and creativity can “run” on forever. There are other doodles on the right side each symbolizing different things. For example, there is a deformed bird and an upside down staircase they both don’t make sense or exist but are still in the image. Color- Through the color of the image the artist depicts even more about the differences from the left and the right side. The left brain is very organized because of the use of only black and white with the exception of a couple splotches of some color here and there on the left side. This means that even thought the left side is very organized it still has some creativity. On the other side, there are splotches and strokes of random colors plus they are random and spontaneous. The colors explain happiness because they are so bright. The big splotches and strokes of red, green, blue, and yellow show that it is creative and random at anytime. Also the picture contains a small amount of blue that represents sadness even though most of the emotions are on the left side.
CCLAPPS ANALYSIS CONTINUED Light- The light in the photo is equally distributed throughout the picture showing that the two halves are equally important. We can also see from all the light in the picture that the brain needs a lot of power to run. The shadows on the bottom of the right brain symbolize that it still has some flaws. Angle- The angle is taken from the top showing that each side is equal. Also nothing is left out in the picture and everything is shown. Nothing is closer or farther the picture is completely even. Proportion- The proportion of the image is equal just like the overall message. The color, light, and angle all support that both halves are equal and that they both are capable of doing the same things. Placement- The strokes on the right brain go off the page and they get thinner and thinner explaining that the brain can think on forever and ever. These represent imagination. But on the left side there are codes that go off the page that means that people can think and program to any extent. Setting- If you look at the image it looks like it could have been drawn or painted on a piece of paper, where things are created just like the brain can create things. The left brain can create software and the right can create art.