1 Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage in Taiwan By Chih-tien Liu Engineer of Fuel Cycle and Materials Administration Atomic Energy Council, ROC Oct. 26, PATRAM, Miami
2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Chinshan ISFSI Project 3. Regulations of Spent Fuel Safety 4. Review Program and Licensing Issues 5. Public Communication 6. Concluding Remarks
3 1.Introduction Taiwan has three NPSs in operation. Lungmen NPS is under construction. Taiwan Power Company subsidiary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Government enterprise take over all power facilities in Taiwan
4 1.Introduction (continued) Strategy Near term : pool storage Medium term : onsite dry storage Long term : deep geological disposal/reprocessing Construction Permit Operating License
5 1.Introduction (continued) Chinshan NPS will lose its full core offload reserve in 2010
6 TPC commissioned the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) in July 2005 to implement on-site ISFSI project. The INER-HPS storage system developed by means of technology transfer from NAC International. Reduce the weight of TFR (54.75Mt 46.18Mt) Envelop the VCC by an Add-on Shield (AOS) (ie., concrete donut) 2.Chinshan ISFSI Project
7 Major Components of Storage System Add-on Shield (AOS) Sq. foot 4.5 x 4.5 m OD 4.20 m Wall thk m Ht m Wt t Concrete Cask (VCC) OD 3.45 m ID 1.89 m Ht m Wt t Transfer Cask(TFR) OD 2.12 m ID 1.72 m Ht m Wt t Canister(TSC) OD 1.70 m Ht m Wt t
8 The major schedules are as the following: submitted the construction permit application in March, Complete the ISFSI pad, all auxiliary equipment, at least two sets of casks and canisters in July Complete loading and storage of the first 2 casks of spent fuel assemblies in Complete loading and storage of 1366 spent fuel assemblies in 2011 (25 casks in total). 2.Chinshan ISFSI Project (continued)
9 The Layout of ISFSI at Chinshan NPS
10 Regulatory requirements Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act. Enforcement Rules for the Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act. Fees on Regulatory services under the Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act. Regulations for the Review and Approval of Applications for Construction License of Radioactive Wastes Treatment. Storage and Final Disposal Facilities. Guidelines on the Safety Analysis Report for the Application of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility. Hearing Proceeding Guidelines for the Construction of Radioactive material Facilities. 3.Regulations of Spent Fuel Safety
11 Ensure the annual effective dose equivalent caused to an individual of the general public outside the ISFSI ≦ 0.25 mSv Which is 25% of the dose limit for an individual of the general public. (1mSv in one year). In Particular, TPC demands that the acceptance criteria for an individual of the general public shall be not greater than 0.05 mSv/year. 3.Regulations of Spent Fuel Safety (continued)
12 According to “ Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Waste Management Act ” ISFSI license will be issued in two steps. Construction Permit : based on the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, PSAR. Operating License : based on the Final Safety Analysis Report, FSAR and Pre-operation Report. The format and content of SAR shall be based on “ Guidelines on the Safety Analysis Report for the Application of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Facility ”. 4.Review Program and licensing issues
13 Eight critical safety issues has fully examined Structural, confinement integrity, heat removal, criticality safety, shielding design and radiation protection, spent fuel handling, and quality assurance of cask fabrication. 2 confirmatory evaluations has performed Structural seismic analysis, Radiation shielding design. 4.Review Program and licensing issues (continued)
14 4.Review Program and licensing issues (continued) Structural seismic analysis Purpose: perform an independent analysis for verification and assist the SAR review. A 3-D coupled model was developed
15 Results show maximum sliding distance of the cask base is approximately 12-cm ( =0.2), which is much less than 130-cm of the space between cask and cask. The maximum tipping angle of the cask is 0.11degrees ( =0.8) Compare with TPC ’ s results 4.Review Program and licensing issues (continued) TPCAEC sliding4.2cm12cm tipping
16 License reviewing process 4.Review Program and licensing issues (continued)
17 5.Public Communication the license application documents: shall be publicized and displayed within 30 days. the display time period shall be 60 days. Objective : provide the public an opportunity to work directly with the AEC staff. provide a range of views, information, concerns and suggestions regarding safety issues of law and fact. clarify the fact through hearing process.
18 According to "Hearing Proceeding Guidelines for the Construction of Radioactive Material Facilities" An announcement of hearing was posted on July 6. A pre-hearing was held in the vicinity of proposal ISFSI on July 31, A total of 78 participants took part in the hearing on Aug 10, AEC compiled and proclaimed the hearing transcript on Aug Public Communication (continued)
19 Protest from County Magistrate
20 6.Concluding Remarks An on-site ISFSI has been chosen as a mid- term, preferred solution in Taiwan. Critical safety issues and 2 confirmatory evaluations were identified to perform. AEC continues technical discussions with experts and relevant organizations at home and from abroad. Public acceptance and information transparency need to be paid much more attention.
21 Thanks for your attention.