-A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC 2012, pp.286-287) Science learning in school leads to citizens with confidence, ability, and inclination to continue learning about issues, scientific and otherwise, that affect their lives and communities. -A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC 2012, pp.286-287) Creating leaders, one student at a time.
L E A R N E R S C I E N T I S T P A R T N E R D E S I G N E R E N G I N E E R R E S E A R C H E R This summer you are wearing many hats, perhaps most importantly, you are a learner. As I discussed on first slide, this is what also makes you a leader.
L E A R N E R S C I E N T I S T P A R T N E R D E S I G N E R E N G I N E E R R E S E A R C H E R Scientist and engineers both will share their research through a poster at the end of the summer. What did you investigate, test, discover, or design this summer? What was the data you collected? What conclusions did you arrive at? What are the next steps?
L E A R N E R S C I E N T I S T P A R T N E R D E S I G N E R E N G I N E E R R E S E A R C H E R How can you and your partner take science and engineering to the classroom? make science and engineering more engaging? Create a sustainable relationship for you and your students?
L E A R N E R S C I E N T I S T P A R T N E R D E S I G N E R E N G I N E E R R E S E A R C H E R NGSS - Approved! Partnerships that you develop this summer should be highlighted in a lesson or activity in your classroom.
L E A R N E R S C I E N T I S T P A R T N E R D E S I G N E R E N G I N E E R R E S E A R C H E R All of us are in this together, learning about the NGSS and trying to create lessons and curricula that are based on research around learning.
Sticking Points about NGSS Working quietly and individually record each question on a sticky note. Share your questions with others at the table. Considering all you have learned about NGSS, what are some questions or issues that you have, or that will likely arise in your schools?
Place your sticking points in the right category. How might we respond as leaders? How will this be assessed? Who is in charge? Is it common core? Parking lot... What about resources? We already do this! Is less more? Raise the screen to reveal the white board. Ask what trends we see? Ask participants to discuss possible answers to the questions. Have them read the Sticking Points Article.
How will this be assessed? Read and discuss the document’s suggested response to each of these questions or issues. How will this be assessed? Who is in charge? Is it common core? Parking lot... What about resources? We already do this! Is less more? At your tables compare the authors suggested responses to our own.
A work in progress Resources are growing David Grossman Blog Next Generation Science Assessment NSTA NGSS Hub Share these links with the participants.
Our immediate path and some goals Today: Continue our learning around units and lessons that are aligned with NGSS. Next Week: Grow our partnerships and explore aspects of our research experience that might be appropriate for the classroom and a NGSS lesson. July: Develop a broad unit plan that includes one detailed lesson or activity that highlights your partnership.
Which part of the sentence is a practice, a core idea, a crosscutting concept? Discuss your ideas with an elbow partner. Which part of the sentence is
The foundation box interprets the 3 parts of the PE Need more practice? Go to page 93 in discovering NGSS ebook
What are some practices that students might employ? As you think about planning a unit or a lesson around this performance expectation: What are some practices that students might employ? What are some possible ideas they could figure out? What are some lenses you could tell them to use as they go about their work? JUST THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MINUTE…
Constructing explanations Designing Solutions Matter and its interactions Patterns So we don’t have to guess at what is meant by these practices, ideas, or concepts… there is more information in the foundation box.
Turn to page 55 in your guide (the blue book) to identify the element of the science and engineering practice for this PE What are some possible implications now that you see there is a long list of elements under this practice?
Turn to page 58 in your guide (the blue book) to identify the element of the crosscutting concepts for this PE What are some possible implications now that you see there is a long list of elements under this practice?
Turn to page 62 in your guide (the blue book) to identify the element of the disciplinary core ideas for this PE
This element shows up in multiple PEs This element shows up in multiple PEs. We can consider that we might want to bundle PEs with the same elements. Remember we can support multiple PE with one lesson, but it is unlikely that we can teach a single PE in just one lesson.
There is a special place in hell for teachers, it is where they unpack and rewrite curriculum.
Two teams unpacked the same standard Two teams unpacked the same standard. Why are the skills and concepts different?
These standards (PEs) have already been unpacked. Arguably easier to articulate to student and parents what we want them to know and be able to do. The elements are the unpacked standards. These tell us what
The elements are not simply a means to organize the standards. As you consider the information (elements) on pages 55. 58, and 62, what are some possible implications for planning and assessing? Discuss and share your thoughts. The elements are not simply a means to organize the standards. the elements in the foundation box help remove ambiguity from curriculum and define what students should know and be able to do
State of Iowa Implementation Plan - In the classroom Please read through the handout focusing on the teacher in the classroom and behind the scenes. Meet back here after a break. Distribute and allow the participants to read. What stands out? The standards are not the curriculum. The curriculum will result from teachers combining elements from all 3 dimensions to create lessons and units of study. Iowa Dept. of Education 2015
What’s going on inside of me? We are going to take a look at an example unit storyline presented in two different ways. We will identify what makes this unit aligned with NGSS. This is a middle school unit FYI. Krajcik, Reiser, Sutherland, and Fortus 2013
Coherence (the order in Law and order) Each episode begins with a question: “Who committed the crime?” From here the plot proceeds logically as evidence is collected, suspects are questioned, and a case is built. The show ends when everything comes together, the question we began with is answered, and the perpetrator of the crime is revealed.
Coherence (the order in every Law and Order episode) The lesson level phenomena that students are trying to figure out in one lesson fits into a larger storyline for making sense of the anchoring phenomena. The teacher designs the unit to flow from one question and investigation to another, until the driving question has been answered.
What’s the storyline? imagine a classroom where these are the questions/investigations that are going to take place - what sequence would make it coherent? What learning would take place? Put them in order in your group.
Sequence the questions as if you are building a series of lessons or a unit to support a bundle of performance expectations? Students should see how what they are trying to figure out fits into a larger storyline. After you finish, compare your work with another group and discuss your thinking. 5 minutes to work
Now refer to the handout and compare the unit designer’s ideas to yours. Check out both sides. Share your thoughts at your tables.
What might be some possible anchoring phenomena for this unit What might be some possible anchoring phenomena for this unit? Brainstorm at your table, create at least 3 ideas on sticky notes and each table will reach consensus and share their single best idea. Brian J. Reiser 2014
Brian J. Reiser 2014
Brian J. Reiser 2014
Brian Reiser from Northwestern University. Brian J. Reiser 2014
Planning units of instruction can take many paths. One might start with Performance Expectations and then create a storyline to support the PEs. In this case we already have the storyline, so our next step is to determine PEs that this unit supports? Focus only on pages 66 & 68 and only middle school DCI elements. (We will not look at all 20 pages today.) Which PEs are they tied to? Emphasize here that the elements link classroom instruction to the PEs. DCIs listed in PEs are very broad and we need to rely on the unpacked version of the DCI. Participants should work through the two pages identifying which of the elements are included. Use post it notes to flag those that are aligned to this unit.
Is this first element an idea being learned in this unit Is this first element an idea being learned in this unit? What about the second? And so on.
If anyone is interested LS1 If anyone is interested LS1.C is on the next slide, otherwise skip over the next slide and take time to discuss bundling here.
Page 69 in the guide
What evidence can you find that any of the practices are included in the unit? Refer to pages 50-57 in the blue guide book to see the progression of practices and the elements of each practice. Again we can start with a practice and design unit/lesson around it, or we can start with a lesson and then incorporate the practices.
What evidence can you find that any of the practices are included in the unit? Students asked where the blood takes the glucose. Students used models to investigate osmosis. Students experiment with yeast cells. Students analyzed glucose graphs & used mathematical representations to describe/support conclusions. Students use evidence and prior knowledge to explain how higher heart rates increase food transport around body. Students obtain evidence to support the argument that O2 is used with glucose in cells All of the practices are supported by this unit. This would be required to engage in an argument from evidence.
Can you find evidence of the crosscutting concepts in the storyline? Refer to pages 58-60 in the blue guide book for the progression and elements of the CCs. Give them 5 minutes to work and discuss then begin sharing answers.
All of the CCs are supported by this unit!
Understanding Thinking about NGSS lessons and units, what might be some other ways to describe coherence, besides a logical sequential storyline? Storyline Connected We will further discuss connections and the 3-Dimensons next after a short break. Progressions 3-Dimensional
A second type of coherence - Connections Building concpetual understanding across STEM domains CCs and Practices obviously connect the domains of physical, earth, life, and engineering domains. Here we are reminded that the DCIs can also connect domains. Note we have at least 3 PEs checked here. Are there more connections to other PEs in the life science domain?
Bundling - Is there evidence that any of these PEs are supported by the unit? Since we already know that every CC and Practice are already supported, let’s focus on the DCIs
Bundling - Is there evidence that any of these PEs are supported by the unit?
Bundling - Is there evidence that any of these PEs are supported by the unit? Through the activities in this unit, students learned that food is digested, as is evidenced by the yeast taking in the sugar and giving of CO2, glucose is carried by the blood, as evidenced by the analysis of the glucose level in blood before and after eating, and that the membrane around cells is semipermeable and can take in sugars, as was evidenced when students made a model cell membrane. When glucose is used, a gas is given off, which students saw evidence of when putting a balloon over yeast in a sugar solution. They also studied the fact that increased activity leads to increased heart rate and breathing rate. All of these activities show evidence of subsystems at work.
Bundling - Is there evidence that any of these PEs are supported by the unit?
Bundling - Is there evidence that any of these PEs are supported by the unit? Here are four more PEs from the life science domain. Not really No photosynthesis MS No
A third type of coherence - 3-dimensional Each PE contains the 3 dimensions. How can we bring this type of coherency to our daily lessons and not just the units we plan? The Concord Consortium 2016
Lesson-level learning performances (LPs) The Concord Consortium 2016
HS-PS1-5: Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs Work at your table to write one possible lesson-level learning performance.
Students collect and produce microscopic data to serve as the basis for evidence to determine what our bodies are made of.
Working in teams write a LP for any one of these rows Working in teams write a LP for any one of these rows. Or… pick a PE and write one for any lesson that might be supportive of that PE. Brian J. Reiser 2014
Reflecting on today What are some ways that storylines are important to the unit plan? How might you use the elements of the DCIs, the Practices, the CCs facilitate when planning units or lessons? When might it be appropriate to bundle multiple PEs into a single unit? If you are going to write a NGSS unit that displays evidence of coherence, what are some things you might consider as you plan?
Homework Bring in a unit timeline for next Monday