GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English: 4 credits Math: 4 credits (Algebra 2) Science: 3 credits (Physical Science & Biology) Social Studies: 3 credits (World History, American History, American Government, Economics) Health: ½ credit Physical Education: ½ credit Fine Arts: 1 credit Electives: 4 credits Total 20 credits
HONORS DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS Must meet all but one of the following: English: 4 credits Math: 4 credits (Algebra 1, Geometry & Algebra 2) Science: 4 credits (Chemistry & Physics) Social Studies: 4 credits Foreign Language: 3 credits or 2 of 2 Fine Arts: 1 credit Grade point average: (un-weighted) ACT / SAT: 27 + / 1210+
REQUIRED COURSES FOR GRADE 12 English American Government Math – recommended even if 4 credits have been received Science – if you have not received 3 credits
OTHER REQUIREMENTS 12 hours of community service Career Narrative & Resume Completion of Naviance requirements
ENGLISH English 12 AP English
SOCIAL STUDIES American Government (semester) AP U.S. Government (full year)
ENGLISH Life is a Game (Sports Literature) Lights…Camera…Action (radio, TV, film) Sci Fi / Fantasy Creative Writing Advanced Creative Writing Speech and Debate
SCIENCE Human Physiology (semester) Biotechnology (semester) Forensic Science (semester) Marine Biology (semester) Chemistry Honors Chemistry AP Chemistry Honors Anatomy & Physiology Physics AP Biology
SOCIAL STUDIES Sociology Introduction to Psychology Applied Psychology Current Issues 1 Current Issues 2 AP World History (full year) AP U.S. History (full year)
MATH Algebra 2 Introduction to College Algebra Pre-Calculus / Trigonometry Honors Pre-Calculus / Trigonometry Calculus AP Calculus AP Statistics Intro to Probability & Statistics (semester) College Bound (semester)
WORLD LANGUAGES French 1 French 2 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4
MUSIC The Mind Behind the Music (music theory) Men’s Choir Women’s Choir Select Women’s Chorale (audition only) Select Mixed Choir (audition only) Concert Band Symphonic Band Marching Band / Pep Band Careers in Music Beginning Guitar Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Fitness & Conditioning Personal Fitness Dance Fit & Yoga Ed
ON-LINE COURSES Elective classes Student fees range from $150-$300 Classes taken during school day Must complete application These classes are NOT NCAA compliant
ART Art Fundamentals Drawing Advanced Drawing Painting Advanced Painting Ceramics Advanced Ceramics Photography Sculpture Digital Media Arts (2 periods each semester)
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Honors IT Tech Prep (2 periods each day)
BUSINESS International Business Accounting Sports & Business Management
SENIOR INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 1 st semester 2 nd semester
STUDY HALL 1 st semester 2 nd semester
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY Must pass 5 one credit classes per year Maintain a minimum 1.0 GPA Eligibility checks done weekly If you are wanting to play college athletics please see Mrs. Martin for NCAA Division 1 and Division 2, NAIA and NJCAA information.
REGISTRATION PROCESS Turn in registration materials to English teacher no later than Friday, March 4 th Online scheduling will take place during the school day on March 14 th, 15 th, and 16 th.
There will be NOOOOOOOOOOO Schedule Changes EVER
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Sign up to take your ACT for April or June Junior Parent Night: What to Expect Senior Year April 21 6:30 You will have 3 Job Shadowing/College Visit Days Naviance Program Follow and our Counseling Blog