Wising up to MATs Steve Howell CFO RKLT Richard Sheriff Headteacher
Learning objectives Shared understanding of what MATs are and where they have come from Understanding of the evolving new educational landscape Clarity regarding the ways MATs differ in scale, function and values Knowledge of the process of academisation and MAT construction Opportunity to reflect on the risks and opportunities for your school
Academy Drivers “A school-led system with every school an academy…..” Central government policy (still!) Evolving autonomy The era of the ‘School led’ system Falling budgets and increasing costs ‘Traditional’ infrastructure failing Difficulties with parallel public education systems
Latest Academy figures: 2,023 of 3,381 secondaries – 60% 3,046 of 16,766 primaries – 18% 38% of academies standalone 62% part of a MAT
Why would you become an Academy? Academy Freedoms? Admissions? School day – school year? Curriculum? Pay? Standing on our own two feet? Making our own way? Driving our own school forward? Entrepreneurial opportunities? Strengthening partnerships? Working with others? Support networks? What if things go wrong? Finance and Premises? More control? More money? More risk? Safety in numbers?
North Yorks £4.3K; Leeds £4.5K (this is the national average); Bradford £4.8K per student
MAT drivers “We expect most schools will form or join MATs….” Fragility of individual schools School to school support Economies of scale Shared services Shared accountability Loneliness!
The new infrastruct ure MAT Education Funding Agency Academy Chain Regional Commissioner Regional Ofsted Local Authority Schools Commissioner My School
What exactly is a MAT? All about the governance……. One set of Members One set of Trustees Multiple ‘Local Governing Bodies’ A scheme of Delegation One organisation, one employer, one owner, one responsible body
All the same? Values Scheme of delegation Degree of autonomy Top slice Scale Growth plan Geographical reach Service offer Leadership Governance
Considering your MAT options Due Diligence – two-way - Values, ethos? Governance? School leadership? Finance? Premises? Context? Risk? Autonomy – standardisation? Light touch? Centralisation? – top slice%? Benefits? -Support? Transition? Insurance? Economies? Professional development? Aspirations for growth -Size? Geography? Phase?
School Governors – what changes in an Academy A new job title -Members – Trustees – Governors Company Directors and Charity Trustees -Nolan principles – connected parties – enhanced responsibilities Direct responsibility for admissions -How many, oversubscription criteria, LA can still administer. More specific financial responsibilities -Companies House – EFA – audited statutory accounts Not accountable to LA -Regional Schools Commissioners have oversight and accountability
Choices schools face Outstanding/good with outstanding Stay as you are Academise on your own Create your own MAT Join an existing MAT Other schools Stay as you are ( for now) N/A Join an existing MAT? -Voluntarily -Or be sponsored?
What drives your decision? S trengthsStay as we are? (for now?) W eaknessesStandalone conversion? O pportunitiesForm a MAT? T hreatsJoin a MAT? Local context? – Governor viewpoint? – Key personnel? – Timing? – Community? – Finance? – Ofsted? – Premises? Hurdles and barriers?Green light?
Your decision drivers? Hurdles/Barriers?Green Lights?Comments/questions? Community ………………………………………………………….. Governor viewpoint ………………………………………………………….. Key personnel ………………………………………………………….. Ofsted ………………………………………………………….. Local context ………………………………………………………….. Finance ………………………………………………………….. Timing ………………………………………………………….. Premises ………………………………………………………….. Other……………………. ………………………………………………………….. Other……………………. ………………………………………………………….. Other……………………. ………………………………………………………….. Work in small groups to classify your decision drivers Are there aspects at either end of the continuum? Which are the most important drivers in your case? Does it prompt questions? Compare your findings
Practicalities The application process Set up or join an academy trust Transfer responsibilities to the academy trust Prepare to open as an academy Open as an academy Expert advice – support from EFA – support from others
Other considerations? When to do it? Allow 4 months from decision Financial year from September Capacity? What do you need to put in place? – People? Systems? Can you share it? What happens next?
The RKLT Case Study