1 RESTENA Foundation TF-MNM 16 feb 2011 eduroam “next gen” Stefan Winter -
2 Deliverables DJ3.1.2,1 about to be published hidden somewhere deep in the bowels of the GN3 review process Summary report about JRA3-T1 actions in the first 18 months of the project (Sep 2010) Will announce to TF-MNM as soon as published Current work will be reported on in DJ3.1.2,2
3 RADIUS/TLS A PKI PMA, CA and RA have been established Any CA can apply for being accredited to issue “eduroam Trust Profile” certificates The CA will be assessed by eduPKI PMA To get started, one CA has been created as a “catch-all” for eduroam participants (mostly FLR level) This CA uses the eduroam database to check authorisation (FILL. YOUR. DATA. IN. NOW!!!) We are already issuing certificates.
4 How to use? Radiator Product is ready Full template configuration is being prepared on the “new cookbook” wiki Caveat: needs Net::SSLeay 1.37 – which isn't released yet; would need to use SVN code :-( radsecproxy Dynamic discovery needs love Rest is ready Config template will also go into cookbook
5 When is.edu not a problem any more? When all FLRs which host a.edu domain have RADIUS/TLS + all.edu domains have set a NAPTR record for eduroam Then the domains can announce their authoritative FLR via DNS And TLRs can have a separate Handler for.edu: AuthBy DNSROAM That way, all.edu request are DNS-discovered either by an FLR or by the TLR Need to get eduroam Trust Profile certificates to U.S. and other non-EUs
6 eduroam Trust Profile PKI “One Sentence” Policy (paraphrased) A conforming CA will only issue certificates with the policy OID ….foo.1 for authorised eduroam IdP ….foo.2 for authorised eduroam SP Proxy servers are IdP+SP A well-managed CA would need to put authorisation checks in place which ensure the above.
7 GN3 Year 3 Generic description of work in the “Technical Annex” One (hopefully) particularly interesting project: Assemble IdP settings in eduroam DB Create scripted installers for all these IdPs Hassle-free supplicant deployment for all! These installers could even be signed for platforms which think they need that Potential to save thousands of work hours for IdPs and as added “sales” argument for eduroam