BSRN Station Cabauw and some other stuff Wouter Knap & Cor van Oort KNMI, The Netherlands IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015
Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN)
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 BSRN Cabauw, Netherlands
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Process From instrument to archive Instrument Hardware (DAQ) Software (processing) Archive AWI Pyranometer Pyrheliometer Pyrgeometer Sun tracker … Backup Administration - Calibrations - Instr. changes - Exceptions Quality control Submit file … DAQ units Com server Computer … cabmmyy.dat.gz Fully automated 1 day -1
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Process Core: Web Server and Data Base JOB DAILY LINUX WGET WEB SERVER (IIS) ISAPI (dll) delphi FTP SERVER SUBMIT DATA DAQ & STORAGE BACK UP DATABASE Exceptions Administration Processed data MSSQL server Web Server (Microsoft environment) IIS: Internet Information Services (Windows NT) ISAPI: Internet Server Application Programming Interface Delphi: object-oriented Pascal Database Microsoft SQL (Structured Query Language) Server
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Process From instrument to archive APPLICATION DELPHI JOB DAILY LINUX WGET WEB SERVER (IIS) ISAPI (dll) delphi EXCEPTION HANDLING IE Addon delphi FTP SERVER SUBMIT DATA DAQ & STORAGE BACK UP DATABASE Exceptions Administration Processed data MSSQL server HTTP request
Administration: Exception Handling Example: cleaning event 25 th August 2014 (quicklook: IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015
Exception handling: IE Plugin (Delphi) Administration: exceptions database IPC-XII Davos, September/October LR0100, LR CMP - Redundant instr. (!) -999 DB
Exception handling Administration: exceptions database IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015
Exception handling Administration: exceptions database IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Zoom in to second data
Exception handling Administration: events in database (example: instrument replacement) IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015
Exception handling IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Administration: events in database (example: bird)
Handling calibrations IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Administration: calibrations database
Quality control IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Step 1: Visual inspection of monthly overviews.
Quality control IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Step 2: Final inspection of submit file. (IDL program and cron job to produce figs).
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Daily with QR
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Monthly quality overview
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Monthly quality overview
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Long & Dutton v2.0 Monthly quality overview: ERL and PPL limits (L&D)
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Summary Process is fully automated Administration/QC done on semi-daily basis Exceptions, calibrations, instrument changes in database DB Status Cabauw 128 station-to-archive files (Feb 2005 – Aug 2014) USR and UL added to LR0300 (Jan 2013 / Mar 2008) DL 2005 – 2011 still to be corrected (3 – 4 W/m 2 )
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Meteorologica, 2, 20-23, 2015
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Meteorologica, 2, 20-23, 2015
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Trends?? 10 years BSRN SW: no trend (!) LW: ?? -> calibration issue
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Pyrgeometers at BSRN Cabauw 3 K&Z CG4 - s/n : reduced sensitivity (BSRN: 2005 – 2011) - s/n : standard pyrgeometer (BSRN: 2011 – now) - S1 is special with non-standard dome * Calibrations: 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012 Nighttime comparisons (only BSRN DL is shaded) * Appl Opt Oct 20;46(30):
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Downward longwave irradiance is calculated according to: Pyrgeometers at BSRN Cabauw
IPC-XII Davos, September/October a ( K&Z 2003) – 2 ( PMOD 2006) Period: 2005 – 2011/11 1 data point = nightly average DL BSRN Cabauw: 2 pyrgeometers
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 DL BSRN Cabauw Bias: 0.13 ± 1.52 W/m 2 Bias: 3.85 ± 1.48 W/m 2 Calibrations: K&Z – PMOD Calibrations: PMOD – PMOD
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Consequences & action for BSRN Calibration: K&Z > WISG, bias = 3.85 W/m 2 Backward application of 2012 PMOD calibration of CG removes the bias and is consistent with S1 (2008 PMOD calibration). Action: application of 2012 calibration to (2005 – 2011) November 2011 CG K&Z 2003 CG K&Z 2006 BSRN DL bias (W/m 2 )
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Other stuff: Langley calibrations (Fred) SW closure (Carlo)
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Sunphotometer calibration at JFJ, 3580 m a.s.l. (2003)
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Sunphotometer: SPUV, 368 nm Langley calibrations Langley cal Cabauw Langley cal JFJ __ Polynomial fit
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Wang, P., W. H. Knap, P. Kuipers Munneke, and P. Stammes (2009), Clear-sky shortwave radiative closure for the Cabauw Baseline Surface Radiation Network site, Netherlands, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D14206, doi: /2009JD Clear-sky closure
IPC-XII Davos, September/October 2015 Wang, P., W. H. Knap, P. Kuipers Munneke, and P. Stammes (2009), Clear-sky shortwave radiative closure for the Cabauw Baseline Surface Radiation Network site, Netherlands, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D14206, doi: /2009JD Clear-sky closure