The Italian Front, Technically, Italy allied with Germany and Austria, but had remained neutral when war began. Treaty of London (1915): secret agreement to win Italy’s support. Italy promised Austrian and Turkish territory as well as African colonies. 5/1915, Italy entered the war on the Allied side. Fall, 1917, Battle of Caporetto: humiliating Austrian defeat of Italy. British and French help required to stabilize the front.
The Gallipoli Campaign 11/1914, Ottoman Empire entered the war on the side of the Central Powers. Turkish Straits closed to the Allies. Allies unable to ship supplies to Russians. British first lord of the admiralty, Winston Churchill, pushed for a campaign to open the straits. 2/1915, amphibious invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula. 1/1916, British forced to withdraw.
The Gallipoli Campaign (cont’d.) 10/1915, Bulgaria entered the war on the German side. Looking to square accounts with Serbia since the Second Balkan War. Bulgarians, Germans, and Austrians crushed Serbia at the end of 1915.
The War in the Middle East Allies made substantial gains at Turkish expense in the Middle East. Armenian genocide of With Turkish Straits closed, British opened a route through Turkish- controlled Mesopotamia.
The War in the Middle East 3/1917, British forces seized Baghdad. Revolts of Arabs against the Turks led by Col. T. E. Lawrence (“Lawrence of Arabia”). 1917, British invaded Palestine, capturing Jerusalem in December.
The War at Sea Battle of Jutland Submarine Warfare U. S. Declaration of War
The War at Sea Battle of Jutland 5/31/1916, British Grand Fleet vs German fleet in the North Sea, off the coast of Denmark. Indecisive battle, but from then on the German surface fleet limited its activities to the Baltic and never again presented a threat to the Allies.
The War at Sea Submarine Warfare 2/1915, Germans declared a submarine blockade of the British Isles. 5/1915, German U-boat sank the Lusitania off the Irish coast. 2/1/1917, renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare in an attempt to knock out the British before the US could impact the war.
The War at Sea U. S. Declaration of War 2/26/1917, British liner Laconia sunk without warning. 2 Americans died. 3/1/1917, the Zimmerman Telegram was revealed. 4/1917, US declared war on Germany. But American troops not present in large numbers on the front in France for almost a year.
The End of World War I The Allied Advance Armistice
The End of World War I The Allied Advance 3/1918, Germans launched a massive offensive in France in a final effort to win the war. British reinforcements. American troops arrived in France. 4/1918, unified command under Ferdinand Foch. 7/1918, Allied counterattack starts German retreat along the front. 8/18/1918, the “Black Day of the German Army”, British tanks break through near Amiens.
The End of World War I Armistice 9/30/1918, Bulgaria signed an armistice. 10/30/1918, Turkey capitulated to the Allies. 11/3/1918, Austria gave up. 11/11/1918, German armistice signed, effective at 11am. WWI: 10 million military and civilian lives lost, and another 20 million wounded.
The Paris Peace Conference 1/1919, peace conference began in Paris. Main decisions were made by the Council of Four: Pres. Woodrow Wilson of the US, Premier Clemenceau of France, Prime Minister Lloyd George of GB, and Premier Vittorio Orlando of Italy. Neither Germany nor Soviet Russia was represented.
The Paris Peace Conference Wilson’s Fourteen Points French, British, and Italian Objectives
The Paris Peace Conference Wilson’s Fourteen Points 1/1918, President Wilson presented his proposals for a peace based on principles of justice. Calls for: Open diplomacy and Freedom of the seas. Free trade. Reduction of armaments. Self- determination for the subject people of the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman empires. Pt. 14 called for the creation of a “general association of nations.” –The focal point of Wilson’s vision of the postwar world.
The Paris Peace Conference French, British, and Italian Objectives Clemenceau: Security for France against possible future resurgence of German power. Substantial reparations. Lloyd George: Restoration of continental balance of power so GB could attend to its empire. Orlando: Gain as much territory as possible for Italy.