Greek Mythology and Religion Gods and Goddesses of Greek Religion
Greek Mythology and Religion Mythology – the story (or myth) of the Greek Gods / Goddesses. There were 12 Important Greek deities living on Mt Olympus Most are related and each has their own story or myth!
Greek Mythology and Religion Greek religion is polytheistic Greek religion is polytheistic Greek Deities held human forms and human qualities Greek Deities held human forms and human qualities Greeks used their religion to explain natural phenomenon (seasonal change/storms), human qualities and events in their lives Greeks used their religion to explain natural phenomenon (seasonal change/storms), human qualities and events in their lives
Greek Mythology and Religion The 6 MUST-KNOW Deities The 6 MUST-KNOW Deities Zeus Hera Apollo Artemis Athena Aphrodite
Greek Mythology and Religion Zeus - Chief God Zeus - Chief God Ruler of the Sky, Weather and Thunderstorms
Greek Mythology and Religion HERA – Wife of Zeus Goddess of Marriage and Birth
Greek Mythology and Religion APOLLO – Son of Zeus God of Light – Drives the Sun across the sky in his chariot
Greek Mythology and Religion ARTEMIS – daughter of Zeus (twin sister of Apollo) Goddess of childbirth, nature, harvest, moon, and chief hunter to the gods
Greek Mythology and Religion ATHENA – daughter of Zeus Zeus Goddess of Wisdom and War
Greek Mythology and Religion APHRODITE – Goddess of Love and Beauty
Greek Mythology and Religion Images of Greek Mythology are evident in… Art Art Literature Literature Architecture Architecture